Hi everyone again
Got a silly question here but how long does the eggwhite phase last please?
It's been building up for a few days and today there's loads!! ...
However I have assured my husband that I won't badger him for sx tonight!! aaaaahhhhhhh
We have Bded every day since Friday and I know that the tads can last a few days up there. I'm just worried all the time that we're going to miss the boat again...Shall I buy a turkey baster and do it myself?
My doctor said you should only do it every other day anyway, so that they have time to mature.
Oh joy!!!
It's strange, but when you're on the pill, you don't seem to notice what your body's doing at certain times of the month, until you try to get pregnant!!

Got a silly question here but how long does the eggwhite phase last please?

It's been building up for a few days and today there's loads!! ...
However I have assured my husband that I won't badger him for sx tonight!! aaaaahhhhhhh
We have Bded every day since Friday and I know that the tads can last a few days up there. I'm just worried all the time that we're going to miss the boat again...Shall I buy a turkey baster and do it myself?

My doctor said you should only do it every other day anyway, so that they have time to mature.
Oh joy!!!
It's strange, but when you're on the pill, you don't seem to notice what your body's doing at certain times of the month, until you try to get pregnant!!