Josh is now 12 days old - he was 7lb 15oz at birth and dropped to 7lb 7oz.
Now at 12 days old he is 8lb and my HV told me today that Josh should be feeding at least 15-20 minutes each time in order to get the hind milk he needs when hungry. The formilk will just quench his thirst.
OK, so today he had a good full feed ( well over 20 minutes) twice this morning and now ive just fed him again and he was only sucking for 10 minutes. I could hear his tummy being filled and he had a mouth full of milk when he came off the breast all dozey - he's now sound asleep.
My question is, is this ok ? Did he get the milk he needed? My breast was hard beforehand but now is soft so i know he's emptied it quite a bit but the 20-30 minute guideline has got me a bit worried. he tends to feed every 2-4 hours and isnt always latched onto me so surely this, combined with the fact that he is over his birth weight is a good sign ?
Does anyone else have this or can anyone help please ?
Nat xx
Now at 12 days old he is 8lb and my HV told me today that Josh should be feeding at least 15-20 minutes each time in order to get the hind milk he needs when hungry. The formilk will just quench his thirst.
OK, so today he had a good full feed ( well over 20 minutes) twice this morning and now ive just fed him again and he was only sucking for 10 minutes. I could hear his tummy being filled and he had a mouth full of milk when he came off the breast all dozey - he's now sound asleep.
My question is, is this ok ? Did he get the milk he needed? My breast was hard beforehand but now is soft so i know he's emptied it quite a bit but the 20-30 minute guideline has got me a bit worried. he tends to feed every 2-4 hours and isnt always latched onto me so surely this, combined with the fact that he is over his birth weight is a good sign ?
Does anyone else have this or can anyone help please ?
Nat xx