How long do you get + after miscarriage


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Mar 4, 2007
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I've been trying to google it but struggling to find answer. How long do urine test stay positive after a miscarriage?

I had to go to hospital today for 2nd hCG blood but they have sent me home as the doc on Friday has completed messed up my veins and the 3 nurses couldn't get a vein. Only 1 doctor works weekends and he's in surgery doing c-sections etc.

I really don't want them to try again but I know they have to my arms are all shades of colours now.

I'm still getting a strong positive on urine test. So just wondered how long this will last?

It depends when you miscarriage but can take anywhere from 7-10 days sometimes even more depending on how pregnant you were...

My miscarriage was quite early (about 6 weeks or so) so when I finished bleeding I did a preggy test and it came out negative...

Give it time

x im sorry to hear of your loss, also doctors shouldn't be bruising up ur poor arm shame on them!

Thanks for your reply. They are guessing the most I am is 6 weeks, but I had scan and they couldn't see anything. I only had a small bleed on tuesday afternoon and nothing since then.

I didn't even realise I was pregnant until I started using OPK I had a normal AF on the 9th and the day it finished I decided to start using LH sticks it was positive instantly, so did pregnancy test and that was positive too. I had taken a pregnancy test before AF and it was neg, so I really have no idea and neither does the hospital of how far gone I might be.

I'm really feeling sick and nervous just at the thought of going back for more needles :cry:
hi im sorry for you loss hun :hug:

every m/c is different hun sometimes the hormone will stay in your blood for a while whilst others go straight away it does depend on how far gone you were but like you say you dont know.

hope things get sorted hun and they take better care of doing blood tests next time, sending hugs im sorry i cant help much :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you're havign a difficult time.

Unless they told you otherwise (I don't know what your blood level or exactly what the scan showed) remember that you need to keep acting as if you are pregnant (ie take your folic acid, don't drink even though you may feel you need one etc.) because with that story you could easily be on a few weeks after conception so the scan would be unlikely to show anything at all. 2 blood tests approx 48 hours apart (if it 3days not 2 that is ok) are needed to be sure what is happening. That's why theu called you back on a sunday :)

Urine pregnancy tests are so sensitive now that could be raised for a couple of weeks. I know it sucks but it is important you get the second test if your dates are all mixed up.

The blood tests give the doctors a number rather than just a yes or no and watching what the number does is important to be absolutely sure if the pregnancy is failing (ie you are miscarrying) and to make sure there is no chance you have an ectopic pregnancy where it is growing in the wrong place. (Not saying this to worry you btw - just so you know what is going on - if you had an ectopic it would be very small and the doctors could stop it before it was dangerous so don't worry - that is why they do the tests hun :) ).

Before you go for your next test drink lots of fluids - make sure your arms are warm and hanging down by your waist while you are waiting and make sure only a doctor takes your blood. You can't "mess up" veins that badly - sometimes if you have tricky veins you might have only 1 or 2 easy ones and they need a few days rest before being used again - but it isn't permanent and in my experience it is often used as an excuse when people can't do it - most doctors can get blood out of a stone :) The doctor will find one honey - don't worry :)

let us know how you get on.xx
Thanks girls for all your replies. You're all a great help. I went back this afternoon for the second sample and I waited over 3 hours for the doctor to come and take my blood but eventually they got it. So I'm pleased. Just hope I don't have to go for a third sample as I'm quite sore and bruised now.

Thanks again and I'll keep you all updated with my results.
Hi claire im so sorry to hear of what your going through and of your bad experience with doc's taken bloods i had to give blood 4 weeks again after my 2nd m/c and there where still pregnancy hormone in it so for some people it can take up to 4-6 weeks to leave the body

Good luck with the blood result

sorry for your loss, i lost my baby 4 weeks ago tomorrow, and im still showing positive on a pregnancy test so i think it can take a while, but i was 13 weeks so i think the further on you are the more hormones you have in your boby so the longer it will take to go down.
Had the call this afternoon with my results. They are still rising. I wasn't given any figures. I have to go back to EPC tomorrow for a scan as they are concerned it may be ectopic. I really hope its not, but I'll just have to wait and see.
final update-went for second scan yesterday and it was confirmed ectopic pregnancy. They kept me and perfomed surgery within half hour as they were quite concerned as they had missed it on friday. All went well.

So fingers crossed that the next time it sticks and grows in the right place.

Thanks to everyone for your replies/support.
It's good they sorted it out quickly for you once they noticed it, I hope you soon go on to have a healthy preg :hug:

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