How long do they leave it before they induce you?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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As some of you may know... my midwife attempted a sweep on tues (i was 39 plus 4 days) but my cervix was still too posterior and she couldn't perform one. She said she would try again next tues (by which il be 40 wks 4 days). If this doesn't work (or she cant perform it) how long will it take to get an appt to be induce? I REALLY dont want to go too far over :shakehead:
Here it's policy to see you on your due date and offer a sweep

See you at 41 weeks and offer another sweep

Then you see a consultant who talks about induction with you and monitors baby and scans you etc at T+10

And if you decide you want induction they try and do it at T+12

I think different areas have different policies though
I think it depends on your NHS area, but at the hospital I am giving birth in they don't like to do sweeps before 41 weeks and then will not induce until five days after at the earliest, so 41 wks + 5 days. I am hoping I don't get that far, already having lots of niggly symptoms and cannot bear the thought of going overdue, esp with what I am told is a biff baby! x
Remember it is not compulsory to be induced.

I have read that the risk for baby is usually 3/3000 and this increases to 6/3000 if you go over 42 weeks.

It is possible to be monitored every day when you hit 42 weeks.

Obviously, its a choice and some people don't want to take any risk at all with the baby so they opt for induction.

I don't know what I would do if I went over but I don't think we should be made to feel we HAVE TO be induced.

i'm pretty sure they won't let you go over term+14 because the placenta becomes less efficient- most areas try and do it at term+12 i went 10 days over and my induction was booked for the 12th day over..but he came just before phew..
hope it happens soon i know its horrible going over :hug:
My midwife said a sweep at 1 week over and induced at 2 weeks over. Fingers crossed for you the next sweep is succesful. :pray: xx
Daffodil said:
Remember it is not compulsory to be induced.

I have read that the risk for baby is usually 3/3000 and this increases to 6/3000 if you go over 42 weeks.

It is possible to be monitored every day when you hit 42 weeks.

Obviously, its a choice and some people don't want to take any risk at all with the baby so they opt for induction.

I don't know what I would do if I went over but I don't think we should be made to feel we HAVE TO be induced.


Yup you don't *have* to be induced. It's personal choice. They can monitor you and baby and let you carry on a bit past 42 weeks if its your wish. However most babies really don't leave it that late to arrive.

TBH with induction its more likely to mean some form of medical intervention than if you allow yourself to go into labour naturally. And I consider also that induction is probably more stressful to the baby if baby is not ready to come out into the world.

As to it being a greater risk to wait a few more days, I personally consider it more of a risk to be induced than to give my LO the 42 weeks and a bit beyond if need be. So long as myself and baby were well I'd have waited rather than opting for an induction. As it was LO arrived only a few days past his due date and there was no need to go see the Consultant to discuss an induction and so on.

End of the day its personal choice on induction but many women seem to think they have to be induced. I don't know if its how its worded or if its such an accepted thing nowadays and no one gives it a second thought. Most HA's won't induce too soon after 40 weeks unless there is a medical reason to. They prefer to at least wait a while and see if nature takes it course.
Sherlock said:
Daffodil said:
Remember it is not compulsory to be induced.

I have read that the risk for baby is usually 3/3000 and this increases to 6/3000 if you go over 42 weeks.

It is possible to be monitored every day when you hit 42 weeks.

Obviously, its a choice and some people don't want to take any risk at all with the baby so they opt for induction.

I don't know what I would do if I went over but I don't think we should be made to feel we HAVE TO be induced.


Yup you don't *have* to be induced. It's personal choice. They can monitor you and baby and let you carry on a bit past 42 weeks if its your wish. However most babies really don't leave it that late to arrive.

TBH with induction its more likely to mean some form of medical intervention than if you allow yourself to go into labour naturally. And I consider also that induction is probably more stressful to the baby if baby is not ready to come out into the world.

As to it being a greater risk to wait a few more days, I personally consider it more of a risk to be induced than to give my LO the 42 weeks and a bit beyond if need be. So long as myself and baby were well I'd have waited rather than opting for an induction. As it was LO arrived only a few days past his due date and there was no need to go see the Consultant to discuss an induction and so on.

End of the day its personal choice on induction but many women seem to think they have to be induced. I don't know if its how its worded or if its such an accepted thing nowadays and no one gives it a second thought. Most HA's won't induce too soon after 40 weeks unless there is a medical reason to. They prefer to at least wait a while and see if nature takes it course.

when i went to my "overdue appt" at 41+5 they gave me a sweep and made me an appt for 12 days over they gave me the paperwork and told me if i had not had the baby by then i was to check in on the ward at 7 to be induced that day- so i didn't really feel i had much choice luckily i went into labour before that so i don't know if they would have let me choose to wait.
They do seems to imply that you will be induced, but you do have a choice, and dependent on how i feel if im still here at my consultant appointment i may ask to be left, i KNOW you can be left here as a family friend did it, but it does mean being monitored a lot.

Im just not sure how i'll feel at 12 days over, i may be begging them to get her out :roll: but i'll always be thinking that i didnt want medicine to play a part in her arrival.
It seems to be a problem that women are told they must be induced. Actually there is a choice. says

What if you refuse induction of labour?
It is, of course, your right to refuse any medical treatment which is proposed, including induction of labour. It is up to you to make the decision which is right for your family. The vast majority of women who decline induction of labour will go on to have healthy babies. See for example the stories about "Ten Month Mamas" on

You can ask for monitoring to check your baby's wellbeing, instead of choosing induction. There is a very small risk of foetal death occurring suddenly despite reassuring monitoring, but this can happen at any stage of pregnancy - and as the sources above show, it is extremely rare. Some women feel that it is not appropriate to accept induction on the basis of a one-in-a-thousand risk.

The UK's National Institute of Clinical Excellence and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists offer this information to pregnant women and their families [3]:

If your pregnancy is more than 41 weeks

Even if you have had a healthy trouble free pregnancy, you should be offered induction of labour after 41 weeks because from this stage the risk of your baby developing health problems increases. An induction because you are overdue does not increase the chance of you needing a caesarean section.

If you choose not to be induced at this stage then from 42 weeks you should be offered:

Twice weekly checks of your baby's heartbeat using a piece of equipment called an electronic fetal heart rate monitor.
A single ultrasound test to check the depth of amniotic fluid (or "waters") surrounding your baby.
An ultrasound scan in early pregnancy (before 20 weeks) can help to determine your baby's due date more accurately. This reduces your chances of unnecessary induction.

of course its up to each person and some people don't mind being induced at the advice of their doctor.

Im 40 + 5 today and having a sweep tomorrow morning, not that I think it will do anything!!!

I would rather not be induced after my last labour and have expressed this to my midwife.

I've been told today that I will be offered a sweep at 41 weeks but can also be asked to be induced at 7 days over. I'm not sure I like the idea of either though to be honest - I'm confident it will happen naturally when it is good and ready; last time it went very well and I don't want to risk interrupting that process.

However, if they thought there was a problem I'd be happy to do whatever.

I think it really depends on where you live and how your pregnancy has been. Good luck.

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