Had todays appointment and.......


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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i have been booked in for induction a week today!!!! :shock:

I basically went in today for a sweep as my scar is so sore feels like its being torn apart at time, anyhoo the doctor said she was very happy to do my sweep today as she could see my scar had been stretched but she couldnt do it! She could just about touch my cervix to feel it was soft but couldn't actually perform the sweep! :oooo: I have never heard of that before so im just thinking i have a bit of a dogdy bod :lol:

they had to take my blood pressure 4 times as they thought it was high but only slightly and have a teeny bit of protein in my urine so she told me she would see if one of her colleagues could do the sweep but came back with a form saying she had spoken to the consultant and they thought it was best to induce me on my DD if i hadn't already started labour off on my own before hand.
She has told me about indiution and how the births can last AGES so i have another appointment Friday to attempt another sweep as it hopefully wouldn't last as long or something :eh:

I am quite shocked as it all happened so fast but sooooo happy as i know i will definately have my little girl by next Thursday LATEST!!! :yay:
So glad you get to see your little girly so soon! :)

Ive heard of them not being able to do a sweep, cause sometimes the cervix can be too far back. Ill keep my fingers crossed its moved down by friday for you!

Hope you go into natural labour before your induction Hun - when I was preg with bella my cervix was
too far back for them to proform a sweep a couple of times it basically means cervix
is not really for labour yet but it can ripen anytime x x
She could feel my cervix and she said it was soft enough to do the sweep but she just couldn't reach it enough :lol:
She tried though i guess and after hearing of people not even getting checked over an just being told NO i was happy enough with that :)

She also said baby is about 1/5 out from being engaged so to get walking and sitting on my ball more! :)
How exiting! Not long for you now xxx
when i went for my sweep with my dd they bought in a big 6ft4 black guy with hands like shovels i nearly did a runner apperntly he was the best sweeper in the department lols all my mum said was look at the size of his feet!! good luck for friday really hope the sweep start youxxxx
:yay: thats exciting!! youll definately have your baby next week! woo!

Do you feel ready?
OMG i think i would have done a runner if he did come in to me! :lol:

I have everything sorted but so scared for when i actually have the baby incase i do things wrong!! Its just a learning thing though i guess :eh::)
Great news hunni - lets hope that internal will speed things up for you even if she couldn't do sweep xxx
So exciting to know that you will def have your little girl by next week!!!! xxx

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