it took nine bloomin' (ha-not very-ha) weeks from diagnosis of non-viable pregnancy to actual m/c, despite two D&Cs at 12 and 14 weeks, so I certainly wasn't going to waste any more time waiting. Final m/c was at 16w, I bled for 4 or 5 days and HPTs finally went negative 11 days after the (last) m/c. I O'd 7 days after that, and then got a BFP at 10dpo - less than three weeks after the first -HPT.
Advice seems to depend very much on the woman. I got loads of it, thanks to the various procedures and check-ups

but the gist of all of it was 'wait till you're ready' and 'don't have intercourse whilst bleeding b/c of the risk of infection' (not sure if that only applies to D&C, or also to natural). It seems to be mroe about the emotional than the physical side. All the consultants I saw said I seemed to be handling it pretty well so they didn't see a need to 'grieve' (my pregnancy was anembryonic, so I couldn't see I had anything to grieve for!) and gave me a green light to ttc straightaway (think my doctor's rather surprised I took them so literally though). However, a friend of mine m/c at 8 weeks and was so badly affected by it that she was signed off work for 5 weeks and told not to ttc for 6 months.
Only thing is that if you do get pg straightaway there can be confusion over dating - my LMP is 11 June, for example... this is less of a problem if it follows a very early m/c (I had a chem pg at 4w6 a year ago this week - three days of faint positives, then negatives and bleeding, just like a period but heavier with largeish black clots

. Though my definition of large clots has been rewritten since this last m/c!

The effect was to delay my period by a few days - had I got pg it would have been fine to use it as a LMP date).
The other thing to warn you is that even after a very early m/c, your cycles *may* be screwed for up to 3 months. After my chem, I had a 26-day cycle, then had a 53-day cycle with lots of spotting, then a 27-day cycle - none of them with clear ovulation, even though I was using OPKs and a CBEFM and temping. Having said that, this time I ov'ed bang on schedule, with +OPKs and a clear thermal shift.
GL with whatever you decide!