How long can it take?


Active Member
Feb 17, 2007
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Hey guys. Has it taken any of you quite a while to conceive? Me and my GF have been going for about 2 nearly 3 months now with nothing happening. I'm just wondering if we should class this as normal? Or could it be one of us causing the problem?

I fell pregnant with my first in 2 months but this time round we have been trying 16 months!!! :shock: Some people catch more or less straight the way, others take years! I know someone on here it took her 12 years to fall pregnant! :shock:
According to statistics the follow applies:

Only twenty five percent of couples who are actively trying to have a baby will conceive during the first cycle.
Sixty percent of couples fall pregnant within the first six month of attempting to conceive.
Seventy five percent of couples will conceive a child within the nine months of trying to fall pregnant.
Ninety percent of couples who wish to conceive will do so within eighteen months.

I fell pregnant after 6 weeks off the pill, a close friend was trying for 6 months, and another friend has been trying for 2 years and is still not pregnant.........we are all very different!

As long as your GF is having regular periods, and is definitely ovulating, there is no reason to suspect there are any problems at this stage.
How longs a piece of string!?

It can take anything from 6 months to many years.
my first took 6 months the second took almost 3 yrs.

2-3 months isnt long at all, most doctors wont do anything until you have been trying for 18 months.
Thanks everyone. Not having a clue myself and being a guy oe interest,I thought I would ask.

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