How long before a home pregnancy test to show negative after ectopic?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2014
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Hi All! Four weeks ago today I had surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I'm having blood work drawn weekly to monitor my HCG level, but was wondering roughly how long it should be before a home pregnancy test would come back negative after going through this? Any ideas?
They will monitor your blood work until it returns to below 5. Thats considered 'not pregnant', with my suspected ectopic which ended in MC, it took 2 months for mine to drop, but thats unusual, your HCG levels should half every 48 hours, so if you know roughly how much they were at your last blood test, you can figure out how many days/weeks it'll take.
Good luck!
Thanks for the info. We go see our family physician in a couple of days. I'll get the numbers from him then I will be able to roughly estimate how long with the info you provided.
My ectopic resulted in surgery to remove the pregnancy and my tube, I had negative pregnancy tests two weeks after the operation, then conceived straight away! It varys from person to person I think.

Hope you are coping well and are doing as well as can be expected xx
Just an update. Saw my family doctor yesterday and he showed me the results of the HCG testing. I started out at 28,000 when the ectopic was discovered and as of March 11 it was down to 116, just over 3 weeks afterwards. I would think that within the next couple of weeks it should be down to 0.
Good news, it could well be 0 now, its been ten days since it was 116, so if your levels are falling normally I would say the HCG is probably all gone! xx
Another update. We had our followup with the surgeon yesterday and the HCG level was down to 77 as of March 18. I advised her my period came back just this past Monday and she indicated that most probably my HCG has now dropped to 0, but she going to get the results from the blood work I just did yesterday morning and let me know for sure.

For those wondering the same thing I have been....4 weeks post surgery for ruptured ectopic HCG was still 77.
I had suspected ectopic, but miscarried naturally before it got serious, and it took about 2 months before HCG was back to zero.. just adding those details in there for anyone else! Glad you're body is getting back on track Nomi, wishing you all the best for next time xxx
Update for those following and curious - 5 weeks post surgery for ruptured ectopic pregnancy HCG level was 22.
Hi Climbing Rose! Thanks for following me through! Physically feeling pretty good, the incision at my belly button still pulls if I stretch too far, but other than that I'm good. Emotionally is another story...I have good days and bad days. Last night not so good, I think every TV show we tried to watch was full of either pregnant women or new babies!!!!

Spoke to my surgeon's office yesterday and even though my HCG was down to 22 last week they want me to continue with the blood work until it's back to 0, so back to the clinic I go today to get more drawn. I'll post the results when I get them for those following.
Awww poor you, its horrible when they keep you coming back for bloods, its so hard to try and put it behind you then. Hoping you get your zero soon so you can start to move on :(
Miscarriage is hard to deal with because people just dont talk about it, and it seems to be treated as something not worthy of being upset over.
Plenty of people on here will support you when you're feeling low though, so dont be afraid to share with us if you need some support xxx
Another update - As of April 3rd, just a few days over 6 weeks from date of my surgery, HCG level is now 4. Nurse said she will check with the surgeon and see if they want another one drawn this week....hopefully not!
I felt like a pin cushion too!! Its so annoying. And i'd never even had a blood test till my miscarriage, I was thrown in the deep end with them lol!
Hope you're feeling ok. What is your plan now? Will you take break from ttc or get on it? Or ntnp? xx
Feeling pretty good, still have some bad days though. We were ntnp before this happened, mainly because any BC I was put on seemed to cause havok on my cycles and I don't like the idea of some of the options, so I quit taking anything all together (yes I know there's always condoms! lol). We're still ntnp but with a bit more lean to the trying side, monitoring CM, but that's about it. Stuck in the 2WW right now!
Ahhh you sound just like me, I never got on with BC, always had strange side effects, so I just stopped taking it once I'd known OH about a year, and told him it was his responsibility to sort contraception! I dont like condoms, so we used the 'withdrawal' method, which actually worked for us for 3 years, then I wanted to just see what would happen if we let nature takes its course haha... so told him to stop doing that :)
Sounds like you've got the right attitude, to keep an eye on when you might be ovulating but be relaxed about it!
Fingers crossed tight for you, hoping to see you in tri 1 in the not too distant future!! xx
One last update - on this post anyway lol! Just heard back from the surgeon's office and with the HCG level being at 4 as of last week I no longer need to have blood work drawn!

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