How long after a missed period should i take a test?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Hi... My hubby and I started trying for children August of last year... I am 5 days late on my period. Now i have had late periods before but this one seems to be different... I actually feel like i am going through a period but there is nothing there (cramps feel the same as a period)... Could i be pregnant. If so.. how long should i wait until i take a test to check if i am or not? I have heard 6 days? is that long enough....
you can take a test from the first day of your missed period - so get testing girl!!!!!! :pray: :D
test test test maye a first response test, good luck :cheer:
Test now hun, sounds like ur in with a good chance! Good luck x :cheer:
Thanx.. I'll get right on it at the weekend... probably freak my hubby out as i don't think he'd think it would be a possibility so soon LOL!!!!! I feel really dizzy also and have slight headaches and also a white discharge..... :shock:
Hi Gruntie welcome to the forum :wave:

It does all sound very positive! Let us know as soon as you test and how your hubby takes it wont you :D

Good luck for a BFP (Big Fat Positive!) :hug:
Thanx Glitzyglamgirl.... yes... i'll keep u informed
If i am... is it true to keep it secret from loved ones and friends until you're at least 12 years old... Just asking as i know my hubby can't keep secrets LOL
Gruntie2 said:
Thanx Glitzyglamgirl.... yes... i'll keep u informed
If i am... is it true to keep it secret from loved ones and friends until you're at least 12 years old... Just asking as i know my hubby can't keep secrets LOL
hmm... i think you mean 12 weeks gone ( :lol: :lol: ) yes i think lots of people do that becuase you are out of the danger zone (dont quote me on that but i think thats right?!?) good luck - all signs looking good for you hun! :D :hug:
Gruntie2 said:
Thanx Glitzyglamgirl.... yes... i'll keep u informed
If i am... is it true to keep it secret from loved ones and friends until you're at least 12 years old... Just asking as i know my hubby can't keep secrets LOL

yep those hormones have got to work on ya brain already lol, another good sign :rotfl:

If you mean 12 weeks pregnant, I guess thats up to you. Ive told 1 girl at work, OH and everyone here (obviously lol) and my best friend found out this morning (she read it here.....hey sis if your reading luv ya hurry up and sign up lol) but I'll wait a couple more weeks before telling everyone else.
hope its a BFP hun and its up to you if ya want to wait to tell people, i told everyone straight away as i have previously m/c and no one knew and that is harder to explain if they didnt know in the first place but its your choice if you are and depends on if ya believe in tempting fate etc. good luck keep us informed. xxxxx
Are Tingley feet and ends of fingers symptons
for last couple of days.. i've had twicthes in them... ?? or am i being silly... thinking everything different is a sympton?

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