How little is too little? (+ odd discharge?!)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I know this is continually asked (and by me as well!), but how much reduced movement is too much?
Baby is still moving, but not frequently and not big movements. Just pokes here and there.
I bumped my belly two nights ago at work, and although it's probably just coincidence, it seems to have been since then.
That fact that she's still moving makes me not want to call someone... For the first few months of movement she had a definite pattern, now though it's pretty random so I can't really even say what "normal" is, other than a lot of movement throughout the whole day.

On a side note, when wiping this afternoon there was bright yellow mucus-y stringy discharge on the tissue. Something I should be concerned about?
It's not just about a reduction, it's any change at all to baby's normal pattern.

If you are worried, call your midwife and explain and see what she advises.

Better safe than sorry, so I would always pop in for monitoring if you're worried.

If it doesn't feel right for u then I'd go to triage and get checked. My eldest always had a really good pattern then one day he seemed to be moving really erratic and too much for my pattern.I felt really silly going in but midwifes was lovely and put me on the monitor his heartbeat was high but after a good monitor he was ok. I always think go with your instinct :) like Emily said it's better to be safe and also put your own mind at ease :) x
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I'd call and just explain. They might say go in and put you on the monitor. Also could it be part of your plug?
Ive Luckily nt had any RM this time.
But i was up most of tri 3 in my 1st pregnancy. I alwaya felt silly calling and even more so when he would show me up when I got there and have a lil dance lol.
But its always best to be safe! We cant see whats going on.. Ull be monitored for around half hour or so and then the mes will decide from there if they think all is well.

Its always worth it in my eyes! I hate the what ifs!

With regards to ur doscharge. Sounds normal for this stage! Plug like? Which can re grow unless baby is ready to come out so dw about how much of that u lose. Ull find the more they engage and push down itll start coming out a bit.
You can always get mw to have a look though if you want a to be sure its not infection x
I've just had similar.
Last Tuesday s/he was really active wriggling and felt like they were somersaulting around.

Then Wednesday I bottomed the house, vacuumed everywhere, washed all the floors etc, even pulled the sofa out and vacuumed and cleaned behind it lol. So didn't think too much of lack of movement.
Thursday I went through my wardrobes and sorted all the clothes I don't currently fit and put nice stuff into storage, got a bag for charity, got some bags to wash etc, and sorted the baby's clothes and got them & the nappies put away, so again I didn't think too much of it because I'd been busy.

Friday I didn't really do anything and was very aware of the baby being quieter and when I did feel movement it was really gentle like small flutters rather than the strong jerky movements I'd been getting earlier in the week.
Saturday was the same and I ended up posting a similar question on a facebook group.
Like you I was still getting movement, it was just different and lighter so I wasn't sure whether to get checked or not.

Well late on Saturday night I started feeling a bit of movement and one big 'kick'.
Sunday s/he never stopped wriggling pretty much all day! And today too they are definitely back to normal and fidgeting around and the movements are stronger again.

I think they'd just got into a funny position where movements were being cushioned.
On Saturday morning the baby was fully transverse, one end on the left inline with my bellybutton and the other end straight across on the right (can't tell which end is which lol)

I had felt deep down they were fine and just in a funny position but then by Saturday I was starting to question it. Luckily they started moving again though.
theyve always said to me that if theres a change or if youre concerned then call and go and see someone... they really dont mind. id give them a ring and see hat thy say.
The MW told me that if its more than 3hrs different to normal cycle to call up and go be monitored... i have had two bouts of reduced movement now and i am 36 weeks. . . i find that when they feel baby then put the monitors on and it becomes a case of well bugger this i better move around a bit and make people happy
She started moving a lot at dinner time and for the rest of the night. Perhaps that's the routine now, just evening time - we'll see tonight.

Is it a bit odd that she hasn't changed position for weeks? I have horrifying images that she's stuck somehow or wrapped up in the cord unable to move properly.
She is head down, has bottom under rights ribs and legs/feet under left ribs (confirmed by scan as well). Surely she should be moving around and not staying in exactly the same position day in, day out - even if it's comfortable for her!
I had worries too Friday night/Saturday - they were still moving, like you say, but somehow dulled movement, not as frequent. I had a theatre booking Saturday and agreed that if I felt the same after, we'd call. As soon as the play started, suddenly it was kicking and jumping all over the place! Of course, if you feel at all worried that something's not right, you should get it checked out though ;-)
I had the midwife today (different one as my usual midwife was off sick).

She felt the baby and said it's bottom was 'up here' (left side, near my belly button,I could feel it too). Then she felt low down and said the head is engaged! :shock:
But being my third I'm not expecting it to stay there lol.

However I'm glad s/he's changed position. They've been really active today as well, moving pretty much constantly all day lol. Really hope this continues! :lol:

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