How likely is it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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So I have identical twins, my sister has non identical twins, my auntie has identical twins and my Nan had two sets, one identical the other non. How likely is it for me to have twins again? Anybody know any statistics for this kind of thing? I've googles it but cant find any useful info xx
non identical twins are heredatory and identical twins arent, they just happen sometimes. so to have idetical twins 2ce is unlikely but if non identicals run in the family you are as likely as anyone else with them in the family to have them, but i think its only hereatory through the woman so through your mum not your dad and not through your OH. dont know if thatsmuch help but its all i know xxx
Thanks Hun. They are all on my mums side, doh! Lol xx
I think non identical are heriditary too. We have had them in my family every other generation for 8 generations. Usually the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter.

I think chances are high you will have them. My grandmother had two sets of non identical (a boy and a girl both times) so I think its likely I might as well.
I think non identical are heriditary too. We have had them in my family every other generation for 8 generations. Usually the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter.

I think chances are high you will have them. My grandmother had two sets of non identical (a boy and a girl both times) so I think its likely I might as well.

I don't think my body could handle another set of twins! xx
you'd have your work cut out eh cosmic, two sets of twinnies? How lovely tho :love:
I love my twins to pieces but I really wouldn't want another set, I'd have 6 kids then! I've had to twist oh's arm to try for one more! xx
i would love to have twins! i only know all that i said cos i asked my aunt once when i was about 10 lol i told her i really want them will i have them cos my aunt on my dads side was a twin (1 stillborn) but unfortunatly that wont affect me!
Twins are lovely and I was so excited to see them on the scan, I dint realize how hard it would be! It's very hard physically to carry them, I had an awful combined birth (one vaginal, one emergency section under a general) and was very ill in high dependancy after the birth. Now they are nearly three and soooo hard to potty train, my other two singletons were a breeze and well out of nappies by this age! Saying that, they bring me so much joy and I love nothing more than watching them play together xx
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i had a hard birth wih my son and was also on HDU after birth for 2 weeks so now im not allowed a natural birth however many babies. i bet it is hard work but i would also be more that you wouldnt change a thing!!!
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a thing, but, I wouldn't want to go through it again, I don't think I could, physically. It does worry me, and at times it really scares me off ttc xx
Aww I would love twins !!
Unfortunately it doesn't run in mine nor OH family :-(
I understand it being difficult but I just would love twins! A girl and a boy!
I did say I only wanted one baby but I'd make an exception for twins lol x

aww cosmicgirl that would be hard going with two sets of twins, it does sound as if there would be a good chance going by your family history

I would love twins, i have them in my family too, my gran had non-identical twin brothers but none in the family since them.
i really want twins- my hubby says he would faint if they told us we having twins he only wants 1 as he has 2 children from previous marriage!

twins are fortuneltly in my family- so FX - my gran had twins but they were stillborn as this was 50yrs ago not alot help back then! he gran had twins too so its my generation to have them cos my mum or aunty didnt!! and my sister had 1 so it would be me or my cousin so EXTRA FX x x
I reckon you have a good chance of having them again!

I'm thinking I'm a bit mental though, I'm well excited to go on Clomid as it increases your chances of twins, is that a crazy thought for what will be my first??

Erm yes, slightly crazy lol :) I don't understand why everyone wants twins. They are difficult to carry physically, lots of back pain throughout pregnancy, a world of worry and the possibility of twin to twin transfusion etc. I had a horrible birth ( 2 prev lovely births with singletons). Your attention is shared between them after the birth so you don't have that same quiet cuddle time in between feeds as the other twin is needing a feed, it's like an endless cycle. Now as toddlers they wake each other up at night, it's hard. I wouldn't change anything for the world but 'enjoyed' my pregnancy, birth and babyhood a lot more with my single babies xx
wooahh! I need to be careful what I wish for!

I just think of all the cute outfits.....

Do you have boys of girls?

They are very very cute, don't get me wrong, they get away with murder :) They are identical boys


Showing off their best smiles!
Awwwww, they are just adorable Cosmicgirl.
Awwww. They are so cute cosmic!! Look like butter wouldn't melt ;-)

Twin's are quite common on my mum's side. My great aunt's were twins but one died when she was 18 :-( anyway, the generation before that allegedly there was 8 sets of twins (effing handful)!!!

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