How is everyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Hi all

Hows everyone feeling?

I dont feel too bad (not sure if its a bad thing or not?)

I keep proding my boobs to feel if they r sore, keep asking oh if they r going down.

Not relly feeling anything, but i am having strange dreams xxx
Mine have stopped being sore too and also seem to be shrinking lol! Feel fine apart from that, no more stomach ache for now. Just extremely tired and blood pressure is a bit high so going to get it checked today xx
I'm not having a good day, my sickness has returned and had a headache all day :( feeling rather sorry for myself :(

Apart from that all ok. xxxx
I'm ok. Nowhere near as sick as I was, just the odd wave of nausea through the day now. Boobs still very hefty, and I admit to doing the poking thing now and again!! Midwife appointment on Tue which will be nice. But been a bit unsettled by all the girls on here who seem to have lost beans over the past few days. This forum is great for advice, but it isn't always the best for calming my paranoia!!
after pukeing up my tea last night in work i actually dont feel nauseas today tho im a bit peeved/miserable as my manager called me this morning after i had finished work and basically i had to justify that i had done what i was supposed to in work last night as quote 'she had just popped in and noticed things werent done' like why hadnt i put away the ironing/done all the ironing?
i got upset and cried at her that as far as i was aware id done everything that was listed to be done, the not done ironing was stuff that i had washed and dried that night so when i ironed it wasnt there to be done and id spent a lil while pukeing up my tea and had taken a lil time to eat said tea earlier on in the evening (im a support worker so i dont get breaks and i work sleep in shifts.) i even had to justify putting on a tv programme for the woman i work with that i think she likes. god forbid i spend time sitting with the guys actually chatting to them and interacting with them instead of being a maid and keeping away from them
Totally agree hun, feel so sorry for every1 who has lost their babys, i wouldnt wish it on anyone. I feel like i have a dicky tummy today, not sure if thats normal. I wish i was being sick, xx
Poor you Bev your boss doesn't sound nice at all, I was a cleaner when having my second and my boss was my step mother :s she use to say stuff like well I did it when I was pregnant about carrying heavy things and that she drove me nuts .

I'm having waves of sickness but I have to make myself be sick I know it's bad but its the only way I feel better. It's only about every other day but it won't stop till I be sick.
I've had a headache for a wk now think I've took tablets everyday I've tried not to but as the day go's on it just gets worse. Xxxxxx
aww bev, what a bitch ur boss is. Hope she was sorry for having a go at you? Ive just got a wave of sleepiness, might try to get an hour while oh is enteraing the kids xx
Hello guys! I'm feeling ok! Had a week of seriously bad sickness in week 7, but feeling lots better now, just feel nauseous on and off during the day and feeling tired all the time! Can't believe how quickly it is all going! I found out when I was 3+6 days and I am 9 weeks tomorrow! It's so exciting! Looking forward to feeling normal again once the nausea goes :) xxx
I found out when i was 4 weeks, it seems like it is going quite fast (the fact we have know for 4 weeks and managed not to tell everybody is great). roll on the nest 4 weeks xx
god no she wasnt sorry, just keps saying i should have called in if i wasnt fit for work, and maybe we need to reduce my shifts if im too tired. mostly kept bringing up wether im fit for work or not, i said look i cant predict if i'll be sick, im not ill its bloody morning sickness and depends on if baby likes or hates whatever i can grab to eat since i was basically out at work from 2pm yesterday til 10am today.
Good Afternoon all.

This morning, I was quite happy eating my cornflakes, and the hubby next to me chatting away, and all of a sudden, i'm sick, everywhere. Don't know where it came from, my body didn't tell me it was going to happen. So that was nice!

And it happened at lunch, when I went in to the canteen, they had Tuna Bake for lunch, and baby, must not like the smell of that. But I don't feel sick as much as I did 2 weeks ago, so I am happy its passing.

Looking forward to the long weekend, we are going to Bluewater on Monday, as we got lots of vouchers for our wedding (2 years ago) and we haven't used them, so we thought we would on baby.
Sorry littlemuffin, just had this hilarious vision of you being sick all over your OH, like that Little Britain old lady sketch!!!

I can't believe you think it's going fast Charlie26, I feel like it's taking AGES!!!!!!! Midwife appointment on Tues which will be nice, but then another 4 weeks til scan!!! It's going to kill me!!!

And I'm glad that you only had a week of really bad sickness wannabmummy. I was getting paranoid as am only feeling slightly nauseous this week and was really poorly last week, but keep telling myself that every baby and everybody is different! Doesn't mean the bean is vacating the premises.
P.S. Bev your boss sounds like a mean old witch. Can't you put itching powder in her knickers or something??!! Teach her a lesson!
Def doesn't mean the bean isn't sticking honey! I stopped feeling sick then a few days later had a scan and everything was fine :) bean is happily growing, just giving me a break on the sickness!! So I am enjoying it while I can in case it comes back! Lol. We are the lucky ones helly! Xx
I thought the sickness had gone, but now I too, like littlemuffin, just get sick all of the sudden. This morning I was really thirsty so I drank a glas of orange juice and I had to go straight to the toilet and throw up! So I will try to be carefull with what I eat and how...

my boss is younger than me, shes 22 and dosent want kids. i feel like not even bothering to go in and just calling in sick if thats their attitude. am i bloody fit to work...nah, cba with them lol
the little jumped up bitch, teach her a lesson, leave it till last minute and ring in sick saying' im not fit for work today as my morning sickness has just made me throw up on my way to work' haha. I have just prodded my boobs and they feel a littler sorer than earlier, sad isnt it when we love our boobs been sore etc haha xx
thats pretty much my plan since im supposed to be on tomorrow at 4 til 2pm on sunday and then 8.30am til 5pm on monday, dont see why i should tire myself out for them. not that they will care either way, im the only one that dosent call in sick for every lil thing

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