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how fertile?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi guys

i have heard that for a few weeks after the birth, you are very fertile before you start having normal peroids again.

how true is this, anyone know?
ive heard its true as well, i guess some thing to do with hormones all over the place. as as your body hasnt been releasing eggs, it suddenly releases lots of eggs.
For the first 6-9 months after having a baby you are most fertile than you ever have been on your life - apparently....or so I am told.
When i left the hospital they told me i would be "super fertile" so to "be careful" if i dont want another baby just yet!!! lol

Layla im glad you mentioned this bernie and i have been having sex since two weeks after since i had a section i wasnt sore in that area :oops: but we were told that when you breast feed its suppost to work like a birth control and prevent pregnancy, if any one knows different let me know. we do want another little one within two years before bernie turns 30 but not so soon.
I know you are on formula though so maybe there is a difference then?

Also has any one heard of this my friends cousin told me that when you have a section and you get preg again before two years you have to have another section no matter what? anyone heard of this or maybe its just here thats what her doc told her?
hmmm, me and Jase had cuddles sunday and were we very naughty and didnt use anything, kind got caught up in the moment lol.
a girl i used to work with had a baby and the first time she had sex after giving birth she got pregnant again straight away.
*wonders what its like to get caught up in the moment* ????

I've been with my boyfriend far too long for them shenanigans.

Its before eastenders or after in my house.

lol not really ;)

Lou :)

I am petrified of falling pg again so soon!
well i guess i will find out in 2 weeks time!

im having a few symptoms but then i think i tmight be just my mind makeing them up coz im thinking about it.

metal taste in my mouth,
very tired! (but then i would be with a 4 week old baby)
my boobs have got rounder/fuller, but again, Coby is 4 weeks old so that would explain that.
feeling a bit sick
and moody

these can all be due to tiredness from Coby tho, its going to be a long 2 weeks!
Hi Layla

Are you wanting another baby this soon, i want onother one just not yet lol, but if it happens then it happens.

So no one has answered me about if it strue if your breastfeeding if it is liek birth control.
The lady told us this at out prenatal classes so i was just wondering if any one else has heard of this can some one please let meknow .
thanx katrina
hi hun,

we are going to try for another baby (hopefuly a girl) in Octber time, but if it happens now it wont be a problem.

I have no idea about the breast feeding thing, sorry

Saulino, trhe breastfeeding thing is apparently a myth. Alot of people believe that because you ae not having a period (if you exclusively bf it can take ages for your period to restart) that you are not ovulating but this isn't necessary the case. So even if you are bfing it was recommended that you also use birth control otherwise you will find yourself with a little suprise x

Layla we want a boy next i guess thats a given as i want one of each, but ill be happy either way of course.
i was thinking around octiber as well because its after my birthday and ide have time to get used to being a mom before being prenant and even mroe tired.
Beanie, thank you for your reply im gonna ask the nurses why they are giving out this info.
So you can get preg even though you dont have your af, but what abut now when you still have your flow from birth... probably a stupid question i know but someone asked me htis and i had no clue.
Thanks girls.
Don't want to worry/concern/or get your hopes up Layla, but take a look at Sarah17!!!

Braydon is 4 months old and she's 9 weeks pg with twins!!! Can't get much fertile than that!
lol yeah true!

We were naughty again last night, before we "cuddled" he asked if i wanted him to use anything, i said did he, he said no, i said ok, he said you sure, i said yes, are you? he said yes lol

so it looks like we are TTC. the annoying thing is a cant make a ticker coz i havent had a period since Coby so i have no idea where i am
omg Layla! Good for you! My OH is very keen for more babies asap but I feel like I need a few months first. Tempting though- pregnancy sucks but babies are the best aren't they?


Good luck Layla i hope you get the girl you've wanted.
Katrina :D

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