How easy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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My family nurse has told me to "Take it easy" ..

But how easy does she mean?

I mean, how far should I just put up with the pelvic pain? At the moment im trying to push through and carry on as normal, is that wise? Or should i take the hint and not do things that i know will kick off my pelvis? I dont want to make it worse.. But if I try to avoid anything that hurts .. then im pretty much couch bound (Lying in bed hurts, cant be flat atall at the moment) .. even light cleaning and getting dressed is painful.

Ive put in the form for the physio but it can take a few weeks apparently.
I've heard normally pelvis pain disappears after birth but some people get it that bad that it takes years to go!! Light dutys sounds like a good idea until you see your physio then they can say how bad it is!
Don't know. I have got pelvis pain too. Was really bad the other day. It seems to get stiff if is don't move. I am not sure what we are supposed to do about it. I have heard you can get quite bad and have to go on crutches. I went to aquanatal and did some light pilates yesterday. It still seems to be there but not as bad. Find it hard to cross my legs and open them.

Resting is probably the correct thing to do and will mean you prob will get better quicker.
Hi, I am also experiencing this but more so it is my left hip, I am in so much pain when I walk especially after I sit for a while, it must freeze or something. I told the doc as well and again told to take it easy but how can I - a house, child, husband and a dog to look after as well as work and prepare for a baby!!! Totally understand where you are coming from!!xx

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