How do your LOs cope with routine change?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Connie always falls asleep at 7.30pm (ish). I'm just wondering what's going to happen over the Xmas period when we're out visiting relatives in the evening. I haven't taken her out with us to visit anyone in the evening since she was 6 weeks old because TBH she's a miserable little madam between 6pm and 7.30pm everyday, we call this time "grumpy time" :lol: . I usually have to bounce her in her bouncy chair for an hour to get her to sleep after her bottle but then she will sleep all night :D . I have to make sure we are home by 6pm every night to start the bedtime routine and get her settled. She's a very happy baby most of the time it's just that by 6pm she's over tired as she doesn't sleep during the day and then fights sleep at bedtime :roll: .

Just dreading spending an evening at a relatives with a screaming baby and an hours drive home with her :( .
We were almost exactly the same as you as Becky was horribly colicky from 6pm till 10pm every night so we basically did nothing in the evenings for the first 11 weeks. She got much easier from not long after 3 months. We took her to Holland to OH's parents and she coped fine though we mostly stuck to her normal bedtime. When she was almost 5 months we went to Croatia on holiday and she was fantastic - we were out later some evenings and she simply drifted off in her buggy when she was tired. She just didn't seem to fight sleep in a different environment!

I'm sure Connie will be fine hun :hug:
Corey does fine... if Im at mums/friends jsut put him in his buggy/travel cot in a nother room to bed as normal and he falls asleep jsut fine. He IS a lazy little sausage! This might make a difference
Couple of weeks ago I went to my parents and my rellies were meeting LO for the first time. I knew that a change in routine may throw we did everything we normally do - did his bath in the kitchen sink which was rather fun :D fed him and took him upstairs and did what we normally do. We forgot his sleeping bag :doh: but it was fine, laid him on a rug on the floor and took him slightly longer to get to sleep. He roused when we put him in car seat to come home but when we put him in the cot he went straight to sleep and was fine all night.

:lol: We have a grumpy time too thought it was just us :lol: it starts at 5pm on the dot and that's when DH usually gets home and he takes over grumpy time and it finishes when the bath is running :lol: he loves his bath :D
So far we've coped pretty well, we've been on loads of trips back to Wales/ Ireland to visit our families and Rudy just kind of fits in. He'll just sleep in his pushchair and we transfer when we get back home/ hotel. My mother has a travel cot for him and he seems to be fine with that too. He's also been to a wine tasting :lol: during which he lapped up the attention from our friends and just slept more the next day.

Saying that, we have no routine at all :oops: so maybe thats why we've never suffered.

p.s we take the bouncy chair with us to most places and some pj's so we don't disturb him by changing him when we get home.
ASD123456 said:
p.s we take the bouncy chair with us to most places and some pj's so we don't disturb him by changing him when we get home.

I will definitely be taking the bouncy chair with us as that's the only thing she will fall asleep in :roll: . Must remember to take her PJs with us.

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