How do you 'Woo' a girl who hates romance?


Dec 9, 2007
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Hey everyone... Got a question for you ladies.

If you've read my previous thread you'd have seen me and my GF have been having problems, now I want to make things right and do something nice for her. The problem is, she doesn't like romance (probably the only girl I know who doesn't).

Whenever I say something sweet or try an compliment her she gives me a funny look or calls me a soppy *******. When we first got together she was quite sweet too, she'd tell me everything she felt and complimented me alot, but now thats none exsistant. She can be quite insensitive and insulting now, basically she shows me no affection what-so-ever, but whether thats down to her hormones I don't know.

Anyway, I want to do something nice for her, something that she will really appreciate and not cringe over hehe. Just something small to show her how much I love and respect her (even though she can be the worst person to be around). Any Ideas?
Hi :wave:

You sound like your making the best effort with your gf which is lovely but are you really sure this is what she wants? reading your other post and stuff it seems as though what she needs at mo is some space. I'd say make that your first priority and once things back on track and before baby comes along maybe take her away for the weekend?

I feel for you though, think your gf needs to get some respect, you should never let people walk all over you no matter how much you love them. Have some respect for yourself then maybe she'll follow suit.

Sorry it's prob not what you want to hear but thats how it comes across :hug: :hug: :hug:
I too am a girl who hates romance it makes me feel uncomfortable and most times it is done because its the "thing to do" tried and tested methods to get in a girls good books so to speak. I like original things that OH knows i like and makes the effort to do, for me its not the chocolates or red roses and dont even think of wasteing money on a romantic meal out, i can eat at home thanks.

Sooo my point is maby you could try doing something out of the ordinary for her, not cheesy just something you know she would like and appreciate, The 1st thing my OH ever bought me was a new keyboard for my computer :rotfl: :rotfl:

That said iv not read your other post and maby she is trying to tell you something.
Things that might be appreciated now are doing things without being asked such as cooking, housework, helping her out with practical things. She might be feeling really exhausted and justs wants to rest a lot, so doing practical things are really helpful and a great way of showing your love! Maybe wait until she's feeling like she's blooming before the full on romance!!!! :hug:
aww, u sound like such a sweet guy! i think u need 2 chat with her and ask her straight what it is she wants. ask her if she needs a little space (but make sure u let her kno that this is not dumping her and u will be there for her when she is ready) tell her that u dont mean to annoy her u are just tryna do right by her and ask her what exactly she wants more or less of. i hope if u do this it goes well for u, coz of course there is a risk that the chat might get on her nerves! im sorry i couldnt be more helpful. good luck :hug:
lol Tegala-7thMarch08 :lol:

I think everyone loves romance, just romance is different for everyone :D
Some women love a bunch of roses, some want a diamond necklace, and inbetween all that there's such things as breakfast in bed with a kiss, a massage, a weekend away, a card with sweet words for no reason... you just have to find her romance 'bone' as it were :hug:

I would buy a nice card that means something to you, about her, and add your own words to it. Do let us know how it goes :)

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