How do you serve formula?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Hey ladies,

For the formula fed babies amongst us just wondering how you serve the formula? In the hospital we were given bottle at room temperature we carried on doing this when home but found she was getting colic so changed formula we are now on cow and gate comfort but it does need warming a little cos thicker and this seems to make her more sickly. Just wondering if anyone else serves room temperature formula as ive read it can cause colic??!!
Jack has room temp formula from birth until he was about 9 weeks. He got on ok with it but didn't drink much per feed. Turns out he's a little and often baby but once we'd changed to warm milk he wouldn't take it room temp anymore lol. He has normal cow & gate formula.

He's never suffered from colic. The odd few wind pains that a dose of gripe water fixed but thats it x
For example Owen has 8 oz of milk so I leave 6 oz at room temp and top up with 2oz of boiling water do it makes 8 oz which is at a perfect temp for him to drink
With the cow and gate comfort you have to make it with boiled water so that the starch particles in it dissolve properly and then cool it down under the tap. I was having problems with this and rang the care line and that was how they told me it had to be made, the reason hes sickly is because the starch in it isnt breaking down if the water isnt really hot so he wont be able to digest it properly. Hope this helps.
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Ahhhh that might be why it dosent seem to be working, at most we were heating the water for 15 seconds in the microwave then putting the powder in so wont have been working at all will it?!
No sorry, i even tried making 60mls up before hand and adding 60 - 90mls boiling water but it still wasnt hot enough and they said that its got to be boiling for it to work.

I should have used my brain and asked on here if anyone was using cow and gate comfort and wanted some as I have just binned 2 full unopened still sealed tubs of it as the chemists wouldnt take them back even with a receipt despite asda, morrisons and tescos happy to.
Ohhh no :( so did you make a bottle up from fresh everytime your LO was due a feed?? Mu mum is telling me to make feeds up for the day (12 hours) and put them in the fridge and bring them back to room temperature when needed or warmed up. I know this is not best practise, what we had been doing is doing the water for the day and then adding the powder when needed which I was told it second best practise from the midwife.
^thats what i do..lo has never had problems with wind or anything,so i guess its fine??
If you need to make them with boiling water, I would make up a few with the milk then cool them and keep them in the fridge and then re-heat as necessary. I used to do that with my first and he was fine. Mw also told me that was fine to do this time, even though it says not to on the formula x

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Phoebe is on cow & gate comfort and it currently on 6oz feeds. I fill 6 bottles with 4oz of boiling water, add 6 scoops of formula and put them in the fridge. When she wants one I add 2 more oz's of boiled water and its just the right temp. She used to suffer terribly with wind but has been loads better lately :) x
We use aptamil. I boil the water in the morning for 4 bottles and leave in sterile pots at room temp for the day. I don't actually refridgerate them. Not sure if that's bad! I add the formula when using them and he has them at room temp. No colic or probs to date, touch wood! xx
I make mine up fresh as and when she needs one, she is taking 6oz of cow and gate stage 1 five times a day never suffered from colic touch wood... Xx
Ohhh no :( so did you make a bottle up from fresh everytime your LO was due a feed?? Mu mum is telling me to make feeds up for the day (12 hours) and put them in the fridge and bring them back to room temperature when needed or warmed up. I know this is not best practise, what we had been doing is doing the water for the day and then adding the powder when needed which I was told it second best practise from the midwife.

Thats what i do and she loves it, if we try give her it warm she wont take much but will once its cold.
I do Sophie's by boiling the water and putting it into the sterilised bottle and re-sealing and then adding the formula and heating them in the microwave for 20 seconds. I've not had any problems this way but I found when I made them up and out them in the fridge and reheated them it did make her have a poorly belly so we stopped immediately.

With the comfort milk, how do the baby's get the goodness if it has to be made with boiling water? X
I know this is not best practise, what we had been doing is doing the water for the day and then adding the powder when needed which I was told it second best practise from the midwife.

Thats what i do and she loves it, if we try give her it warm she wont take much but will once its cold.

I do this as well and she has been fine. Hates it if it is warm and won't take it. Would not take warm water when had consipation as a new born!
does anyone no if it is easy enough to change milk, my LO is on SMA, but quite picky with his food, so didnt no if to change it to something else. can you just swap it???
We swapped Alyssia straight away over to a new formula we didnt do it gradually found it better just to swap it XX
I sterilise the bottles, fill them up to 100ml and pop them in the fridge.

When she wants a feed I top up to 150ml with boiling water, add formula and away she goes!!

She will not drink if it's cold !!

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