Jacob only sleeps on his tummy, with on his father's chest. Poor Shaun is getting a bad back because of it. We love to co-sleep, but now that Jacob is sleeping on his tummy next to me on the chaise, we are considering putting him in his bed occasionally, if he will let us. He can roll with some effort, but I doubt he would do it in his sleep. He is very good, however, at raising very high with his arms so I am sure he wouldn't get stuck face down in the mattress. I'm still a little nervous just because it is new and I keep reading about how it is dangerous and I would basically be a bad mother for doing it.
I wouldn't do it every night, and who knows? Maybe he won't even tolerate it! Sometimes, though, it would be nice for mommy and daddy to be able to cuddle.
I should add that this is because Jacob will not sleep on his own, day or night, no matter what we do, and Shaun and I could do with just a little break once in a while.

I wouldn't do it every night, and who knows? Maybe he won't even tolerate it! Sometimes, though, it would be nice for mommy and daddy to be able to cuddle.
I should add that this is because Jacob will not sleep on his own, day or night, no matter what we do, and Shaun and I could do with just a little break once in a while.