How do you do it?

Mrs. KM

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Hi everyone! I haven't propetly introduced myself yet since having my LO. I am Katie and my LO is Kallie. She is 3 weeks and 4 days old. We had some issues with milk supply initially but I am trying to exclusively bf now. I am just finding it hard to get anything done, including getting myself a snack or meal! Ever since she was born she wants to eat all the time, particularly from 11am to about 9pm. She falls asleep for about 20 minutes then willeat for an hour or more, but if I try to put her down she wakes up and wants to eat again. I am also pumping between feeds to increase my supply when I get the chance. How long did this last for you and how early were you able to start a routine?
My Lo is 11 days old. I'm always feeding, changing or comforting him, and when he sleeps I feel like I can't leave his side anyway so not sure how to do housework, eat, wash or even go to the loo! I know i'm being ott but cant help it at the mo. I left him for less than 60 arcs the other night and in that time he was sick all over his face. I felt like a terrible mother! please say this settles down someone! Lol.
Secs not arcs. Bleeding phone.
My Lo is 11 days old. I'm always feeding, changing or comforting him, and when he sleeps I feel like I can't leave his side anyway so not sure how to do housework, eat, wash or even go to the loo! I know i'm being ott but cant help it at the mo. I left him for less than 60 arcs the other night and in that time he was sick all over his face. I felt like a terrible mother! please say this settles down someone! Lol.

This exactly how I feel too! Its exhausting lol!
It will get better! Make the most if it, and relax! don't worry about the house work, I lived on quick cook fresh ravioli and sauce and OH made dinner every night :)

Hello btw :)

I feel exactly the same... I am trying to establish bf but am really struggling. Emily will feed for such short periods (10 mins) then fall asleep on the breast for ten mns before wanting more... It's exhausting. Consequently I am topping her up with formula which I really didn't want to do.
I have discovered she has a Tongue tie which maybe contributing to her poor feeding, so we are getting it snipped tomorrow in the hope it might help her to feed more effectively.
Exactly as pinky princess says, it does get easier and for now, forget the housework. I would say the first six weeks are the hardest as you feel as tho you are constantly feeding but this will change. Try to just see this as you resting rather than having to do it all. My wee one is almost six months now and I'm still BF as well as just starting to wean. I can honestly say, persevering in the early days was the best thing I did. I love feeding her and feel its so much more convenient than making up bottles. I would def recommend going to a support group too if you can. Good luck with it x
Thanks girls! Glad to hear it gets better! I am not really concerned about housework, more about just getting my meals since I know I need to eat enough to make milk. I just gave her 3.5oz of expressed milk and she is hungry 30 minutes later!
I think I lived on sandwiches and toast in the beginning. Anything I could eat one handed. My OH was really good and made me sandwiches in the morning before he left for work. I think I just grabbed stuff when I could. It was difficult to be able to have a cup of tea in the beginning never mind a hot meal. But it honestly gets better, especially when your LO becomes more alert and wants to do more than feed and sleep. My wee one always likes to sit in her chair and watch me dry my hair or eat my lunch, she giggles away.
My Lo is still like this lol!! It is getting better tho, in the early days I'd set up a cup of tea, a glass of water and a bottle of water to top up the glass with, a sandwich, banana & some biscuits, tv remotes & phone on the coffee table then I'd pull it up to my chair within reach and settle in for the day until oh would get home and make me my tea!! If I didn't do that I'd have starved to death!!
It does get better, i dont look back on those early early days with fondness really, I was crying everynight with the feeds as my nipples where so sore, he kept falling asleep on the breast. He slept during a day but not on a night and took a while to turn his body clock around. But......Although it seems like you'll never get past it you will and things get easier.

I think if i'm lucky enough to conceive a second I will put less pressure on myself and realax alot more, i'm hoping it will be easier.

you'll get there xxxx
Thanks for the replies! You are all making me feel much better! I. Think I will have DH make my lunches every evening. Then i can justsettle in and wtch tv all day andnot stress about not eating :)
Glad to hear it gets easier, I'm sure I'll miss these days so trying to soak up every lovely moment and not stress.
awwww hete...Austin us 10days old n exactly the same....feedin every hr fir galf an hr -40mins...then sleepin..wakung..gruzzlung...boob time n on n on aroubd the clock.
how often is he feedib thru the night? austins every2hrs!!
its hard huh...but frm the other ladies stories...shud get easier for us xx

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