How do you discipline your toddler?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Curious about what others are using to keep their little ones under control :lol: Odhrán has started hitting from time to time, and will randomly smack my nephew across the face.. I have started telling him "Ah ah ah" as he knows this is when something isn't right or is bold, I explain to him why he isn't allowed to do this and that he can't do it again, I also make him sit on my knee for a while after and then a kiss and a hug, this might sound mad to you :blush: but my eldest nephews behavior (along with potty training) is terrible, and I'm hoping if I teach Odhrán young and everythings consistent it will stand for something when he's older, what do you do?
I can't remember when I started telling Lacey off but if she's naughty now she has 5mins on the stairs. I started doing this from about 3 though cos I don't think she understood before that age!
When charley does something he shouldn't I say no in a stern voice and take him away from whatever he was doing. I'm hoping he'll learn but ATM he giggles at me!!
Chaz I've meant to say to you, Charley has the same DOB as my youngest nephew, not one we will forget eh lol x
My mum said what a day to be born on! I didn't realise at the time!
We used 'ah ah ah' with AJ too. He used to laugh if we told him no!

I make sure whatever I do, I follow through.
So if I warn him and threaten time out next time and he does it again then he goes in time out no matter what (We've had a few time outs where he's straight out the bath, wrapped in a towel and doing 2.5mins!) If were out I adjust it but its always the same, if he's walking and running away/misbehaving he'll go in the buggy, in a restaurant we go sit outside.
We do the sorry/hug/kiss too :)
Odhrán hit my nephew on Thursday and he walked over to me and was patting his hand saying "ah ah ah" like literally telling himself off, he came over for a hug, so something is going in..

I agree following through is probably the best thing you can do, bottomless warnings end up with the child in control as they think they can get away with it then iykwim x
Es going thru the hitting stage, I tell her no and hold her hands by her sides til she calms down, then I let her go an she Does yhe exact same :wall: she doesn't take kindly to discipline tho, she just laughs or smiles, outs her shoulders ip and bats her eyelids :lol:

K's a nightmare to discipline! She really is! I've tried everything! The only thing I've found to work is telling her what I want her to do and counting to three! If I get to 3, she gets a tap on the bum! Sounds harsh but it is literally the only thing that works! And I usually only get to 1 anyway :lol: we do kisses, cuddles and saying sorry to!
Not harsh hun, like you say you've tried everything else and it's not like you're "hitting" her, how's the potty training going x
Precisely! My dad did it with me and it certainly worked! All he'd have to say was come here and bend over my knee :lol: potty trainings going amazing! No accidents so far today and I left the potty in her room last night and she got up and had a wee in it! Discovered that she's got a fear of proper toilets, so I've had to buy a fold up little seat :lol: so proud of her :cloud9:
I got a smack on the bum whenever I needed it, very rarely, but you knew that a line had been crossed and you remembered not to do it again.. People sometimes say "oh children will behave out of fear" it really wasn't like that for me, I never ever feared my parents, but I knew how far to push and when to stop. I'm not sure if I will ever use that for Odhrán but I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it x

That's fab hun :yay: So pleased xx
i dont have an LO yet but i remember what my parents did with me and worked. we had a big board on my room. every time i was doing sth good, i was getting a golden star every time i was naughty i was loosing 1 or 2 etc, believe it or not i was doign everything to protect my stars lol.
though obviously fpr older kids i am planning to apply this wih my Lo :) for smaller kids i waiting you aldies to tell me what worked the best :)
I think there is a very slight element of fear to it, but more thefeqr of disappointing your parents! Still now I'm always thinking what would they think! I was never scared of them, but didn't want to disappoint or upset them! I always said I'd try not to smack, but I didn't really have much other option'
Im very strict with Noa already, I'm of the nature that I let him do many things n learn himself but if he's doin something that could be dangorous or if he's not careful around other children, I very firmly tell him no n if he don't listen I say it again n move.him away. I belive in starting early. Me personally could never in my life smack Noa, Im strongly against it, demba is not against it.tho but I told him if he lays a finger on Noa he be out.

I Think following trough is very important. I want Noa to know that when I say no, I mean it, so I will only say it when I really have to.
I'm gonna do naughty step with Noa.
i say ah ah i remove her from the situation i distract her but when madison wants to do something she does it!!!!

if all that fails (which isnt very often ) i scold, i have tapped her a few times on the hand when shes been very bold (like trying to kick her newborn cousin and when her foot was caught in bad temper she smacked him full skud on the face!!! i scolded her then when i liften him to comfort him she tried to do it again, in bad temper cos i was comforting him and not her, so i tapped her on the hand, she had a FULL 30 MINUTE TANTRUM !! i completely ignored it, she doesnt even care when u tap her so tbh we have stopped it wasnt flinching her and im not willing to 'hurt' her so atm im just 'ignoring' hoping she can be put on the nawty step soon haha!! xx
amelia has started pulling hair really ad and i just say no it hurts mummy if she is doing something that is dangerous i say no firmly and move her away i will probably tap her on the hand or bum whn she gets older for serious things x

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