How do you book ante-natal classes????


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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this probably sounds a really silly statement but how do i go about booking these????
i mentioned them to my doctor on tuesday but he said he was not sure and to ask the MW when i next see her,i do not see her til 28 weeks so i am worried that this is too late and they will all be full?
do you get them on the NHS?
if not how do you go about arranging private ones and does anyone know how much they are?
which other courses/classes are recommended??
its my first baby so im very unsure!! :think: :doh: :think:

thanks for any input!!
i have posted this in the other ante-natal thread but thought id start my own as i really need some answers!! :pray:

many thanks in advance! :D
When you said antenatal appointments I thought you meant the midwife appointment! I take it you mean the classes?

Your midwife should have given you this information at your booking in appointment. In our area they give you a sheet with a list of numbers I think (I've never been so not 100% sure).

I would say the best thing to do is to call your midwife and ask because they are likely to get booked up before you see her next. I'm pretty sure you can get some classes on the NHS.

You could also contact the NCT and find out what they run in your area. Don't know if you need to pay for them though - think you may have to be a member (I may be wrong :? :? )

Hope these ramblings help :) . Didn't want to read and run!
Hmmm we were given the info at the booking in appointment too. I would give her a ring and just ask! Last time we were just told a date and our names were put down :D
Your MW can tell you. Mine started when I was about 28 weeks PG and there were 6 in all but I only wanted to attend two. Breastfeeding and pain relief and labour etc. The other ones I skipped.

For the hospital maternity unit tour (usually taken between 32-36 weeks) you can call the maternity unit direct and ask them what days/evenings they give the tour and book yourself and partner in. Takes a few hours normally and more often than not done in the evening.
Hun, ring your midwife as it can vary. Some of us had to apply for them others were put down on the list by their midwife automatically. Make sure you do it pretty early so you don't miss out. :hug:
i have been to 2/3 of mine (28 weeks at the second one) and felt really behind everyone else (everyone was around the 34/36 week mark) so i wouldnt worry that you are 28 weeks at the next midwife appt.

my midwife gave me a handout with the number to book on and the dates, mine are run by the community midwives and only available to 10 first time mums (each course for 10 mums). if in doubt you could always phone the doctors and see if the receptionist knows or put your postcode here:

and see if there are any available?

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