How do u all cope


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
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How do you any of you cope with ur mcs? R u staying at home alot? Is there anything you have done in the past that helps, i know i only found out yesterday but i didnt cope with the last one at all and was depressed even b4 i got preg think im going to take anti depressants xxx
from personal exprience, i've found staying in the house all day doesn't help. Have you considered counseling? xx
Same here i found staying in just meant i sat dwelling on things.... i made a point of getting back to work asap and going out with mates to keep me busy x
I went to counselling after my 4th mc last June as it all got too much but I got back to work and acting normally again pretty soon to keep myself sane!! My OH wouldn't let me dwell on things so I didn't have much chance to get too depressed x
Getting back to work helped, even though I just wanted to stay in a dark room and scream, especially after the second one.
Doing normal things that make you smile again are way better than synthetic endorphins - that's only my opinion though.
It's hard but it does get better, I promise xx
Thanks xxx yes i may have counsellin igot offered it last time, also may just take some prozac dont make decision lightly but think its 4 the best. Quite surprised at myself actually im not feeling as bad as my last mc dont wanna speak to soon as only just had my erpc today but my oh said hes so proud of me and i seem stronger, meant so much to hear that xxx i think we are all strong to go through this i wish mc was more in the public seems so hushed xxx
The fact that miscarriage is taboo and we are just meant to forget it and carry on annoys me a lot!
Glad to hear you're doing a but better xx
I am keeping super busy, and I now have my energy levels back - so am able to do more. Not thinking or dwelling too much on things - but every now and then a little something gives me a pang of anxiety or sadness or even anger.

I try to keep away from first tri board too, as the ladies I was following at similar weeks preg to me are still talking about everything I was hoping to be going through etc.

I too feel a whole lot better this time compared to my last mc - but not sure why that is - I don't think I am supressing my feelings........I think its because this time I know how quickly my fertility can come back to ttc again and that I can get another bfp soon.

I was prescribed diazepam on Friday when I thought my mc was starting and docs couldn't get me a scan until the Monday - I said I couldn't cope with the not knowing and was already having anxiety issues before the bleeding started.....I only used them at night for 2 nights - but found they really helped. i am one for laying awake with allsorts going through my mind and not being able to sleep again.

hope you are ok and get the help you need :)
I stayed in and it didnt help at all. God forbid it ever happened to me again I would make a concentrated effort to keep my life as normal as I could
:hug: xx
Glad ur r feeling better iwant3 . I feel terrible Today physically just feel like i could sleep all day so zombie like, think im going to rest alot untill monday. Will take the natural option if i ever have to go through this again. im also trying to stay away from tri 1 it is upsetting we are not there. I think that may be why ifeel slightly better emotionally too as i think it will be easier to conceieve this time although oh wants to wait abit :( xxxxxx

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