How do I tell them?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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We are telling my family next week but I don't know how to say it without getting all embarassed and giggly :oops: Probablly because I still can't believe it to be honest!

So I was wondering if you can help me choose what to say for a bit of fun :)
I picked we are expecting a baby :D
When the times come, you will probably just blurt it out any old way :rotfl:
I'm sure they will be delighted!! :D
i pickked the last one hehe, i told a friend the other day we were just yackking away and i explaived i was on antibiotics so she asked what and when i said amoxacilin she was like hu? why that so i smiled at her and said well i had to have some tabs that wouldn't harm the baby :lol: :lol: her eyes LIT up was so funny
good luck tellnig your parents
I picked the last one! I love dropping huge surprises in a casual way!

I did the same at my wedding, I made a speech and when it came to the toast i said i could only have one sip cos of the baby n'all and watched the penny drop around the was sooo funny! :cheer:
I picked the last one :D
Have fun telling them :hug: :hug:
I blurted it to my mother (but i had only found out myslef about 20 mins beforehand

With Oh's parents, we bought congratulations cards (blank inside) and wrote
to grandad/nana (1 each)
cant wait to see you in february
love from
baby emery

I LOVED the way we told them, admittedly I sat there grinning and giggling as we gave them the cards but it was great sitting there watching to smiles break on their faces.
I picked the last option... wish I had done that, I just said ive got some news for ya, your going to be a nanna!!
I did the congratualtions card with my mum and dad too, was well funny, they must have re-read it 4 times before realising what was going on!

I picked the last option too cos i had fun just throwing it in the conversation with my friends and seeing the shock on their faces, but you'll have fun however you decide to do it!
When i went up to tell my mum, i took a box of photos of my Ds from when he was in hospital after i had him. And inside the box i put my positive Hpt.

Mum asked what was in the box and i said "oh just some pics of Kieran when he was a baby" I just said that Kieran and I had been looking at them and he wanted to show them to granny.

So she opens the box and........wait for it..........lifts out the pregnancy test and puts in on the table and proceeds to look at all the photos, commenting on how much he has grown etc etc!! then she puts the pics back in the box and the test back in on top of them and shut the lid.

So i ask her to look in the box again as there is something inside that i wanted her to see, so she looks again and takes out the test in one hand and the photos in the other and says "the box is empty what am i looking for?" I point to the test and she says "Kierans test?" and i said "no mum, i wee'd on that one yesterday!!"

It was so funny, she thought it was my test from first time round & seeing the look on her face as the penny dropped was priceless!!

(my Ds is nearly 7 and mum had just thought that i would never have any more lol!!)
Mummy-D said:
When i went up to tell my mum, i took a box of photos of my Ds from when he was in hospital after i had him. And inside the box i put my positive Hpt.

Mum asked what was in the box and i said "oh just some pics of Kieran when he was a baby" I just said that Kieran and I had been looking at them and he wanted to show them to granny.

So she opens the box and........wait for it..........lifts out the pregnancy test and puts in on the table and proceeds to look at all the photos, commenting on how much he has grown etc etc!! then she puts the pics back in the box and the test back in on top of them and shut the lid.

So i ask her to look in the box again as there is something inside that i wanted her to see, so she looks again and takes out the test in one hand and the photos in the other and says "the box is empty what am i looking for?" I point to the test and she says "Kierans test?" and i said "no mum, i wee'd on that one yesterday!!"

It was so funny, she thought it was my test from first time round & seeing the look on her face as the penny dropped was priceless!!

(my Ds is nearly 7 and mum had just thought that i would never have any more lol!!)

haha brilliant!!
I have made a card on moonpig out of a photo of my positive pregnancy test!
I put inside it:
Dear grandma and grandad
Would you be available to help me arrive in may 2009?
Can't wait to meet you
Love baby Adams

They're due to get it sometime this week inthe post so Im standing by the phone waiting right now!!!
emmalouise079 said:
I have made a card on moonpig out of a photo of my positive pregnancy test!
I put inside it:
Dear grandma and grandad
Would you be available to help me arrive in may 2009?
Can't wait to meet you
Love baby Adams

They're due to get it sometime this week inthe post so Im standing by the phone waiting right now!!!

Good idea! :cheer:
When I went round to tell my mum, she had bought DD a doll. DD had it wrapped in a blanket and was pretending to feed it and I just said "She's getting in practice for when her brother or sister arrives in may"!! :dance:

My sister had been away in Tuscany for 10 days, whn she got back she came round and asked what we had been up too since she had been away. I told her I had been busy getting pregnant!! :dance:

I love watching people's faces :clap:

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