how do i stop my baby from having night feeds


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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my baby is on mashed up food and eating thought the day before bed 8pm gets 7oz milk and wakes up at 1.30 for a bottle and agen at5.30 them wakes up at 7am for the day dose any one have any ideas on how i could cut out the night feeds

someone said try giving him juice a drink and see if he goes back to sleep but dont readly no i think iv just got a baby how wakes up thoght the night lol x
Are they waking due to habit or are they drinking alot of milk during the night?
If charley wakes up I give him his dummy and he does go back to sleep. Sometimes he might spit it out afew times but I just keep putting it back in. If he spits it out and starts crying like he is actually hungry I feed him but I haven't had to feed him in a week now!
I do the same as LM, Lizzie nearly always just wants her dummy again at about 2am and will sleep again till 4 then have her night feed :)
We're still doing a night feed, LO usually has about 6oz. Cannot get him to take more milok in the day so will have tosettle with this for a while. Last week or so with teething he's been having 2 ngiht feeds of about 4 oz each! Ah well. We'll get there one day!
Are they waking due to habit or are they drinking alot of milk during the night?
If charley wakes up I give him his dummy and he does go back to sleep. Sometimes he might spit it out afew times but I just keep putting it back in. If he spits it out and starts crying like he is actually hungry I feed him but I haven't had to feed him in a week now!

Yay for Charley!!!
Itcould be just a hungry baby and need extra I'm sure when he gets older he will grow out of it too Amy goes to bed with a bottle but doesn't wake up during the night she stays a sleep and wakes about 8 wanting one all babies are different and need more than others You could gradually cut it down taking an oz away at a time
Could well be a grown spurt. My LO had no feeds in the night for ages an then around 9 months he seemed more hungry again in the night aswell his teething issues etc.. i found that he was still hungry an crying through his dummy an he will take a good 7oz bottle an then wont wake until about 5 in the morning so could need more. x
My LO is nearly 6 months and for the last few nights has started waking in the night again i think its just a growth Spurt xx
im going through the same thing with my lo. sometimes he will only have 1 night feed othertimes 2. i always try the dummy first but if he is definately hungry i give him a bottle. at this stage the milk is so important for them so as long as my lo is hungry (& i definatley know when he is as he screams and then drains the bottle in 5 mins and is fast asleep again!) i will continue to give it to him, as fustrating as it is that we dont get to sleep all night! i dont think my lo is waking out of habit as one night he has a feed at 7pm, and then woke at 6am! othernights he has a feed at 7pm and then wakes 2am! i just never know!!! i actually dont mind waking to feed him during the night as im used to it, and i know that he will sleep through when he is ready!!! hope that helps!
Alanna wakes up about 4am everyday but i just give her her dummy and yeah she settles again, same as LM i have to replace it a couple times but it works eventually :p she doesnt every cry at night though just wakes up n whinges a bit
thanks im going to try the dummy thing and see if i can try and cut the middly feed out x x

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