How do i stop her hitting? :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Aimee was generally good with her sister and very loving apart from the odd smack and heavy handedness here and there but this week she has completly changed and is being really horrible and hits her at any oppotunity :x

She suddenly seems a bit jelious :think: ,
freya has started teething and has cried alot for the last few days so is v grumpy anyway and this has taken alot of time up so i know Aimee is missing out a bit but i cant give her all the attention all the time....

When she hits her i put her on the naughty cushion and tell her she must not hit her sister but its not doing much atm.... i dont believe smacking her is the answer and 2 wrongs dont make a right

I wondered if anyone has experienced this themselves or knows of a solution? poor Freya i feel so sorry for her :cry:
i dont really have any advice as i only have the one lil girl. but i know how u feel. my lil girl went through a stage of hitting me and really trying to hurt me (never went for her dad .... just me) this was when she was about 1yr old. fortunatly this has now stopped so maybe it was just a phase.
i hope u get some advice . but here have a hug :hug: :hug: :hug:
I need advice on hitting too. I did post a thread about the naughty chair but got no replies. Isaac has started hitting the other kids at playgroup and its horrible. I think he is too young for the naughty chair but other mums I know use it and it seems to work. If I try it with Isaac he just laughs and runs away.

I was just about to post about this, Ruby keeps hitting everyone in the face, REALLY hard and it is really upsetting me

I grab her hand and say "NO" in a firm voice, but she just grins and giggles at me :roll:

Nursery said she hit another baby oin the face on friday, I was mortified, they said not to worry, its a phase and they tell her "NO" too...Iam not sure when they are old enough to know what is right and wrong :think: She bites me too, REALLY hard, she has 6 teeth now nd my GOD it hurts :cry:
Rubys mummy said:
I was just about to post about this, Ruby keeps hitting everyone in the face, REALLY hard and it is really upsetting me

I grab her hand and say "NO" in a firm voice, but she just grins and giggles at me :roll:

Nursery said she hit another baby oin the face on friday, I was mortified, they said not to worry, its a phase and they tell her "NO" too...Iam not sure when they are old enough to know what is right and wrong :think: She bites me too, REALLY hard, she has 6 teeth now nd my GOD it hurts :cry:

I know it's embarassing but I really wouldn't be too worried about her behaviour, she's still a baby and totally unaware of what she is doing and far too young to understand right from wrong. All lot of littles ones do the same thing.

Duds - Ella can be the same towards Alex and also went through a phase of biting him when I was out of the room. She knows it's naughty but also seems unable to stop herself most of the time. Once she went to hit him, realised what she was about to do and stopped herself. The only thing I can do is to keep telling her no and telling her she is hurting Alex and that it's not very nice. I then pick up Alex and give him a cuddle to take him away from her hitting him, she then wants to cuddle him and says sorry. In a few months she'll have even more understanding and realise that it hurts when she does something and that it doesn't just get a reaction from us.
I am going through this with Kai atm.

I feel it does help when you know you are not the only one going through it, I go to a toddler group and it is only him doing it, all the other kids are so well behaved compared to him.

Today we left after 30 mins, in that time he had 3 time-outs for pulling at other kids jumpers, I am like his shadow atm. I was hoping he would be upset after leaving but he seemed fine, he didn't seem to realise I was punishing him for behaving bad.

I have being trying the time-outs since Friday, and I do feel that he is maybe a little too young for it. I have to be watching over him to make sure he doesn't move.

It is other kids only that he goes for, he never attacks us or any other adults at all.

the last few weeks he has been going up to kids and hugging them and now this???
how strange.... i was just about to post about ellis anger .... he has started hitting me or anything near hum when he is angry, and he is angry ALL the time! It also seems to be when kyla is crying too!!!

so sorry no advice but would like advise too! :wall:

I have heard they go through phases of it and its all part of learning to deal with their emotions but its making them realize that hitting, biting etc is not acceptable thats hard & the worst thing is when they dont seem to care about any punishment :roll:
I believe they do know that they are hurting the baby.
I must say Aimee has never really hit or bit me & i'd be mortified if she did - she was close to it once but thought better of it!
Its not a very nice stage and you feel so dissapointed in them, Aimee has been better this week but dh is home so she has more attention.

Keely - Sorry to hear your having probs also, its all very new for Ellis and will take a while for them to accept a "stranger" i suppose you have tried getting him to help you when you change,bath the baby etc.? i thought aimee was too young but found it the best thing and was suprised how much she picked up
i agree.. aimee was partically bad when Freya was crying because i had to give her attention. They apparantly get annoyed with it so lash out at them & dont understand they are crying for a reason.
seems pretty normal then, Hayden hits ppl in the face too,
when i tell him no its naughty he either laughs or cries..
must be a phase they go through i guess!

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