Help, how to stop hitting and pinching?!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Not sure if im posting in right place but need some quick advice girls...
Aimee (19months) has started getting really funny and smacking and pinching the baby (4weeks) and she doesnt stop, the more i tell her off the more she does it, I think its because she is getting attention from it...
She just laughs and goes back for more which makes me sooo mad :twisted:
We started doing the naughty step but it doesnt seem to be working... she will sit there but isnt fussed about it - almost thinks its a game. maybe she is too young.
Iv tried to remain calm but firm but cant ignore her as i have to protect the baby... i have also tried telling her to be gentle and explaining but when she is in that mood nothing seems effective....

I need to be consistant how i deal with it but dont know how too...

I wonder if it's worth finding out WHY she's suddenly doing this. Is she jealous, do you think? It might be that if she's not responding to punishment that you'll get more results if you can find that out and deal with it that way (perhaps by getting her involved with nappy changes or whatever).

Otherwise, I don't know, hun, but I hope it's sorted out soon.
Hi Duds.

I think that it's a little bit of both. Until now Aimee has been Mummy's little girl. Suddenly there's this interloper, demanding Mummy's time when it should be Aimee's .

What she's doing is forcing you to pay attention to her - and it's the wrong kind of attention. You're right. If you withdraw it might have a better effect - if you call a tantrum a better effect. But withdrawing with the baby might make her feel more hostile towards it.

Is there any way that you can tell Aimee that you and she have "special time" after baby has gone to bed? I know you're probably exhausted, but that might work. I don't know your situation. Perhaps a significant other could take the really little one for an hour or two while you and Aimee do something that she really likes doing. Keep telling her that while you really love Aimee and she's your special little girl, she needs to know that some of your time must be given to baby because he/she is so small.
Focus on that special time while it's coming up - "oh I can't wait till Mummy and Aimee go to feed the ducks all on our own" etc.

And like Allie says, get her involved in caring for the little one. Let her help at bath time. Her help might be more of a hindrance at first but she might start to enjoy it!

Sorry if I went on a bit, my little girl is the same age as Aimee and she's become a right little madam lately. No little brother or sister though, so the naughtiness is mainly when I pay attention to other people in general!

If Ella is tired she takes it out on Alex and becomes more aggressive and smacks him. If he's been feeding loads or needing lots of attention (he's quite clingy at the mo) then she gets funny and smacks us both.
I think it's pretty normal as Aimee is probably feeling confused as to who this baby is that's taking all her mummy's attention away from her. Give her a few weeks and she should start settling down :)
oh god duds!! sorry have no advise but i am scared now! Ellis smacks at the min too, but i will not know what to do if he smacks the baby! xxxx :hug:

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