How do i stop getting so stressed??


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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We need to make new housing arrangements before baby is born. We currently live in a chalet on in laws farm which is lovely but only has 2 bedrooms and neither are big enough for the extra baby stuff we will need. We are also in the process of building a house. OH has said we could buy a new 3 bed chalet, fab, quite happy with this so i get online and start looking. He then says perhaps we could extend ours instead, fine, happy with this. THEN, he says perhaps we should just get our hous finished and move in. Getting slightly annoyed but agree. THEN he goes back to the new chalet idea ARGHHHHHHHHHHH. I realise we have quite a long way to go BUT it will soon go and i want to get new room ready for baby plus sort out all the decorating in the rest of the place before baby arrives. I am constantly worrying about running out of time and not getting everything done and OH is in no rush at all!!!!!!!!!!
I would take the reigns honey if i were you and make some decisions. If i didn't do that, nothing would get done!!!!!

My OH told me in Sept that he was going to pull the old shed down and replace it with a lovely new one. I said "fine with me".
Shed came down, lovely new shed arrived....... still in pieces in the garden covered in a blue tarp?????
In 6 months he has completed the concrete base!!.
We have been together almost 11 years and this has always been the way when he's left to his own devices.


Good luck
Debs, i would love to make the decisions but he is the one with the money so sadly i cant do anything without him and his credit card :(
maybe point out to him that whilst the baby isn't coming until late october - you aren't going to be able to do anything to help really past about mid august (lay it on with a trowel lovely :lol: ) and have a bit of a hissy fit bout not really carin whether you are properly moved into built house or not but you just want to know you will have your nest and feel comfortable in it when baby comes!!! (little sprinkle of guilt trip at this point me lovely) so realistically he needs to get all of this sorted and settled in 5 months and wouldn't it be nice if the summer holidays wasn't filled with him stressing out about you stressing out about not having your nest ready!!! Little lady doesn't deserve that after all... soooo.. praps that might kick his bum into a decision :think: xxxx

If i were you i'd realy try to chill out (easier said than done im sure). It will all sort itself out. I too am panicing a little as i am in a 1 bed house and havent even got a spare room! The house is on the market but its taking a while to sell. As long as you have a roof over your head thats all that matters hon.

Claire x
you still have plenty of time, but i totaly know how you feel.
My husband has a job trasnsfere back the the USA, we're currently packing up our rented house to be out by the 12th April, yet cuz the bloody visa place is taking ages, we have no visa for me and no date to actually fly out and find a home by the time we get there. Its so stressfull not knowing more than the getting it done part.
My suggestion is try to focus on being calm and healthy for your baby.
We're still in a 1bed flat and Isaac's practically 10months old, and although space is a premium we have managed. You can always have your LO in your room in a moses basket or co-sleeping initially, which gives more time too, so if you don't get to your 3bed chalet or otherwise soon, you will be fine :hug: As for how to make a man understand a time schedule and make a decision, no idea :shock: I do hope he sets his mind to something soon so you can feel more relaxed about everything, very best wishes :hug:
Redshoes said:
We're still in a 1bed flat and Isaac's practically 10months old, and although space is a premium we have managed.

That makes me feel a bit better!! Would like to have a nursery all there ready but sometimes things dont work out like that. As long as me and baby are healthy thats all that matters!
It's a lot less hassle if you've a wakey baby too, you don't have to go far to re-settle them :wink:
We dont even have room in our bedroom for a moses basket :S
My chalet hunt is not going well :( Cant find any second hand ones and new ones are 71K!!!!

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