sorry girls for my intrusion into tri 1 but just want to offer my support
This was my first pregnancy too and I work in a hospital so know ALL the things that go wrong
in the first tri I was convinced I would miscarry - then I had some bleeding and was convinced I would never make it to my first scan (it was light and I know nothing can be done so I did not feel the need to go to hosp)
but I did get to 12 weeks ...
at my first scan I was convinced there would be a missed miscarriage...... and was surprised to see a heart beat - and I loved my little bean!
in the second tri I was convinced I would miscarry and didn't think I would get to 24 weeks (when a baby can sometimes survive if it is born early).... but I didn't and I went into tri 3...
throuout tri 3 I was connvinced something would go wrong like preterrm labour - I was convinced that he would be breech or I would bleed and lose him..... but I didn't and I got to 37 weeks..
from 37 weeks on I was convinced that I would still lose him and that it would be all the more tragic as he was term now... I worried all the time about him getting tangled in his umbilical cord or my placenta failing.... but it didn't
When I went into labout I was convinced I would tear, need a c-section or that I would still lose him - and yes things went wrong and he stopped breathing a coupel of times - but the drs sorted him straight away and we sat there at 2am cuddling our newborn son.
.......... and now at 3months I worry "will he stop breathing", "will he get ill" "is he growing ok" "what if we have a car accident" etc etc etc!
and Welcome to motherhood!
it starts from the day you find out and ends only when you die I reckon! I hope I get to worry about his first day at school, his first girlfriend, his job, his wife, his kids!
(but part of me is always scared that we won't get to that next stage and is surprised when we do
so take it easy, try not to worry as things mostly turn out well
but don't beat yourself up about worrying - it is one of the signs of a caring mum