how do i do the water technique?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my hairdresser told me her mum who's had 5 kids swears by this- if baby is waking in the nite for milk, give them cold water instead and they will stop. i like this idea better than the ones where u just leave them etc coz i drink lots and always take water to bed with me as i get thirsty, i'd hate to think i was leaving her thirsty if i cant go without a drink i cant expect her to!
has anyone tried this? just wondering if it works, how many nites it will take to work and if there are any "rules"? i mean techniques like controlled crying etc say shouldnt pick baby up but ill hav to pick her up to give her the water, so if she cries when i put her back down coz she didnt get milk what do i do then offer her more water?!
might try this tonite but dont wanna do it wrong and not get anywhere from it!
do you give her her milk warm? If so do warm water not cold water mate.

I tried it and it worked, few glugs and he went back to sleep - it wasnt something I needed to do alot though just once or twice!

Think its a case of suck it and see and follow your instincts mate!
well, when i was BF it was obviously body temp, but formula is usually room temp, both do the trick! i was gonna just use room temp water, as if it were formula but without the powder in! ill do that then just do everything else normal but dont add powder to the bottle. hopefully it works! :pray:
I did it with Aimee sort of. she was waking for about 3 bottles of milk a night when she was about 10 months old. I switched it to water and she was fine with that but still wake all night for me to give her a drink. I ended up having to do controlled crying on her when she was 12 months old cos I was almost 8 months pregnant with Nathan and wanted some sleep. She wasn't thirsty cos the controlled crying worked straight away she must of just been in the habit of waking every hour.
mm not sure if it worked or not :think:

she kept crying from about 1am to 3am- she did take some water but she seemed to just want picking up, coz when i did she went quiet then cried when i put her back down. after i'd given her a drink and sniffed her bum and was confident there was nothing wrong with her, i just put her in her cot and let her cry- there was no other option i couldnt stay stood up holding her all nite could i lol, she stopped after 5 minutes maybe 10 then didnt wake until nearly 8am and she was babbling and raspberrying- a nice change from lately when shes started crying from 6am!

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