how do i deal with a naughty 2 yr old?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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please i am at the end of my tether!

Dior is reaching the stage its her way or the highway!

and i dont feel comfortable punishing her when she is naughty as i think she is to young to understand!

eg. she dont eat dinner! she will sit there at shout "B B B B" (buscuit)
i egnor her then i tell her "no eat dinner"
then she throws her plate across the room hits Harley he crys.
i grab her march her to the naughty step go down to her level point at her say "thats very naughty no B eat din din"

she crys and screams then runs to me for a love i try and take her back to the step and continue to feed Harley but she pulls at my leg crying and begging for a love.
i love her then put her straight back at the dinner table, same again she throws her dinner!!!!
i then had to stop feeding Harley took her to the bath then straight to bed. she crys screams

what do i do? does she understand she has been naughty?
last night she cryed herself to sleep after eating nothing all day then 1 bit of toast! its killing me. but she is such a great kid. and this is ruining her.
Wow I dunno what to suggest - I'm dreading when Lydia will hit that stage.
At the moment, she eats bloody everything! No matter what it is that we've got, she comes running up going "bite! bite! bite!"
Greedy sod I've got lol.

I'm pretty sure that by Dior's age she ought to know the meaning of the word 'no' at least, so I'm sure she knows she's done SOMETHING wrong. Maybe she doesn't know exactly what it is that she's done though?

Have you tried giving her a choice perhaps? Offer her two foods that you WOULD like her to eat, and then let her choose between them?
That way she still feels like she's got control, whereas you know that she is going to be eating something healthy and not a biscuit.

I don't know if that will work but it could be worth a try.
with regards to the naughty step i would keep on taking her back till she sits there, everytime she gets off put her straight back on till she sits there for 2mins.

when she throws her plate make her say sorry to harley and say to her if she does that again she will go on the naughty step!!!!

what toys does she play with?? does she watch the tv??? take nice things away from her till she behaves, maybe no playgrp if she is naughty.

its hard but be strong she is only 2 :?

hope things get better for u
Rhys is starting to get a bit like this, hes 19 months nearly, he used to eat everything and anything but lately as soon as hes in his chair he asks for a banana. He gets told after supper he can have one and all hell breaks loose! I have even found macaroni behind him in his chair before, no idea how he knew to hide it!!!
I have found if I stand at the kitchen door, where he cant see me he will eat his supper, if Im there he just acts up. I know I cant do that forever but in the meantime until he is a bit older it will have to do!!
I dont really know what else you could do, Im sure the naughty step will work eventually, as with everything else it just takes persistence :wall: :wall: :wall:
Is there any way you could let Dior help give Harley his supper and then tell her how big a boy he is being eating it all and then when you give Dior hers ask her if she can be a big girl and eat her supper like Harley did? Do you think that would work?
thanks for your advice girls.

when i sit her on the naughty step she crys sooo bad and runs to me for a love. do you think she understands why i am putting her there and why i wont cuddle her??
if you think she odes i will trust you :lol: and stick with it, but i do just feel she dont no why i am doing it then when i leave her on the naughty step and carryon with Harley i worry she will grow to not like him :(

she used to have a highchair and would never eat just sit there screaming so i got a table and chairs and have made it so we all eat together. we pkay games like i take a spoon full of my dinner and we say "good girl" then daddy does then Harley then when it gets to her turn you can see she wants to as she wants to be a good girl but then she flips and throws her plate. things i no she loves she just wont eat it.

i think its just her age and she is seeing how ar she can push me.

because she just gets of the naughty step do you think a naughty buggy would work?

i have a real old one we dont use rotting in the garage i could have it folded away every time she plays up she has 2 mins n the naughty buggy, that way she is strapped down and can have her temper tantrum saftly
i think she will understand if u tell her, and everytime she runs off put her back even if it takes 30 mins u have to stick to these things to make them work :D
cheers hun. i will stick to it. Sophie is a bit older then Dior so its reasuring when you give advice.

but god sometimes its so much easier to let her get away with it :oops:
especially when i am trying to get Harley sorted too

but im not going to do it any more its just ruining her and the nice girl she is.

she is having tea at her nans tonight. and as always she will eat it all :twisted:
but i shall let you nohow tomorrow evening goes
braydon is 16 months and understands wen no means no altho he still does it so i should think that dior nos to but is just trying to get round u
i know how hard it can be hun i really do but u have to stick to it be hard, and sophie is only 6 months older Dior will learn who is boss :D
Hiya hun

I can only offer thoughts as such from what I have seen with my niece and on the TV.

Dior knows that it upsets you to put her on the naughty step and by wanting cuddles she know you will cave in - the others are right - you have to stick to your guns and come down to her height and speak to her calmly and firmly telling her why she is being put on the naughty step. Even if she doesnt understand the words she will understand the tone of your voice.

Apparantly it is important to get an apology and then a cuddle when the time is up (2 mins).

The other option I spose is if she doesnt eat her dinner and you have calmly given her several warnings is to take it away and let her get down from the table. Maybe it wont take long for her to twig that if she doesnt eat it she goes without (I think I would only do this if she has eaten well the rest of the day tho)

I dont know if this helps but I hope it improves for you soon hun
i hun i am having this with hannah, i have started using stamps on her hand when she is good and eats and they do seem to be helping maybe you could try it and if she see's harley is getting them too it might turn into a comp to see who can get most for being good
When Mason started doing this a bit when he was younger I checked with him that he was sure he didn't want it and just walked up to the bin and chucked it in.
He was GUTTED.
The next time he did it I checked with him that he didn't want it, picked his plate up and walked towards the bin and he screamed at me to bring his dinner back!

Just hold your ground, she won't starve herself, she's just being stubborn. She knows she's doing wrong....don't give in, she must either eat dinner or go without.
It's very important that you never give in and give her a biscuit cos you are worried she has eaten nothing else. That will undo all the work you have been doing so far.
thank you girls,

if she has only had ber breakfast, not eaten her lunch or tea. and screaming for tiptop or "B" should i send her to bed crying with nothing atall and try again next day? or give her cerials before bed? (she loves shreddies) or will she only learn if i dont feed her?

i am going to start with teaching her to say "sorry"

and the stamps are a good idea.
urchin - what age was Mason when you had to throw his food away to show him?
He must have been about 2-3 I can't exactly remember.

My mom said I was a picky eater when I was little and she would just put carrot and celery sticks etc in the fridge every morning and oevr the day I would munch on them.

Maybe if she doesn't like siting down to a big meal offer her a small portion, followed by a healthy snack. If she wants biscuits, for a snack how about a savory biscuit with cheese spead or something?
Hey Dionne

Sorry to hear you are stressed. It made me feel stressed reading your posts you poor cow! My thoughts are that Dior might be feeling jealous of harley and the fact that you feed him and she has to feed herself now. She might be feeling like she's not your baby anymore. I would imagine that would make her feel a little insecure and threatened and the only way she knows how to show it is to get angry and play up, that way she gets your attention on her and off of harley. I only have Isaac so i have no clue as to what it must be like for you so forgive me if you think i'm wrong. I just wanted to post and tell you what I thought incase it could help. ?

Hope things get better soon

Lou :)

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