How did you spend your sunday?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2010
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We had snow first thing this morning, so we all snuggled up and watched a film.
Had a nice lunch - cheese on toast - nomnom!!
Had a nice nap as the kids woke up at stupid o clock.
Now we're watching "the wild" whilst Mike makes pie, pots and veg.

Nice, chilled out day, even with this bloody cold and cough we all have :wall2:

Hope you have all had a nice day?xxx
Recovering from lastnight , bacon butty for lunch and curry for tea:blush: my diet is havin a off day being hungover is no fun lol
I spend most of the morning on the phone to my mum

Took Megan for a stroll to the shop and she fell zzzzzzzz :yay: bonus

Thought great spend a bit tidying up sorting some washing chill out for a while make dinner early for us all together early bath ...relax! Nope Auntie rang wanted to nip round so kids had dinner seperately and OH started dinner whist I dunked the girls in the bath now waiting to eat yum yum which is a mini roast! They can have supper with our dinner :lol:

Hopefully a fairly early night.

ive dun nothing all day, lay on couch, OH fiddled about wi the car...

weeone getting dropped off from his dads at 7 so hes getting dunked in bath and off 2 bed.

been feeling a bit sick all day :-(
Got up to lots of snow. OH did poached eggs on toast mmmmm...... lounged around....he went out for the papers and when Hebe was ready for a nap late morning, me and OH went to bed!! :lol: OH made sunday dinner and I enjoyed a little glass of red wine with mine :D Done some reading and generally relaxed all day.....a good sunday!
We all got up at 8.30 and lazed around till 12 when we headed of to OH's parent for a roast chicken dinner (MMMMMmmmmmmm) then we came home at 2.30, i slept till 3.45 OH went to pub at 4 and i played with Jacob, bathed him and he's been in bed since 6 (mondays are a very early start so early night for everyone on a sunday) Now i'm having 20 mins peace and quiet before i tidy the desaster area that is my lounge and start on the pile of ironing that could shame a Japanese laundry, oh the joys xx
Woke up to find it had snowed again but the roads weren't too bad so went to the garden centre and nearly bought a wormery...changed my mind at the last minute but wish I'd got it now! Made lunch, cleaned kitchen top to bottom, including 3 lots of floor mopping because of muddy pawprints grrrrrr, cleaned 'little loo' top to bottom, vacuumed, watched The Simpsons, am now cooking roast chicken and looking forward to OH finishing work (he's only upstairs but I don't like to disturb him!) and an evening of horror films :)
Well last night I had gone to bed, midnight-ish, fell asleep at 1.30am but couldn't settle as my eldest had been to a footie match and had missed his boat home :wall2: so instead of being home at 10.30 he wasn't due home to 3.30! Oh came to bed at 2.30 and I woke then and never got back to sleep until the eldest drove on to the street! Got up, chatted with him; back in bed at 4 and Madam woke at 7 :mad:

SO today I just tidied, light washing; just necessities and feeling really sorry for myself as I had a bad fall yesterday evening while feeding the dogs :doh: Fell on ice on concrete on my arm, it bruised straight away but that part isn't even sore today. Its my back whole arm and arse :oops:

So getting the kids in bed and flopping
:hug: bless you mamafy. You get some chill out time and rest xx
Weve had a lazy Sunday we got up at 9am and i drank Fybogel!! (lovley) ...Then we took Tess for a snowey run in the park with her doggy friends while Andy shielded me like a china doll from getting knocked over by boisterouse hounds! Got back home after a hour or so and i had brown bread toasted with some Doritos..played Mario Party 8 on the wii..had a roast pork lunch...then fell asleep snuggled upto OH for 2 hours had a dream about :bd:...woke up fancying diet coke but drinking water sat aimlessesly awaiting the strike of the IBS ..its coming slowley i can feel myself cramping up. :cry:....decafe coffee time i think. xx

((hugs for Mamafy))
Poor Mamafy :hug: I had a morning being like a zombie then OH got up after being on nights and we went for a walk to a lake to feed the ducks with MIl and her dog. Rosie dropped her dummy in the stream and cried pointing in that direction all the way back to the car, she was devastated! There was no consoling her either! Im now waiting for the potatoes and parsnips to roast a bit more then we'll have dinner. Im sipping an alcohol free Becks and its really good!
Well had a lazy day for some reason couldn't get up till half 3 :O , then I had my sunday dinner which I ate the lot ( not normal for me) i normally leave loads

Then I came on here to see what you ladies were up too and noticed 4 people got BFP'S today :) (congratulations to you all )

and planning an early night and going to test tomorrow hopefully :)
10am this morning Colin left for Poole (hes there until Friday on a lifeboat course) so after he left the kids played whilst i cleaned the house, i put ffion down for a nap then made lunch, after lunch we went to my inlaws where we sat in front of their log fire and relaxed whilst the kids played with colins sisters (aged 7 and 12) then we had a yummy roast. after dinner we went for a walk along the beach with the inlaws to the lifeboat house to 'say hello' to 'daddys' boat (ie the lifeboat) from the beach we walked home. the kids have now been bathed, ffion is in bed and rhys is just having a cuddle before he goes to sleep too.

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