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How dare she!!!

I'm sooooo annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been talking to a 'friend' on MSN (used to be a very good friend of mine in High School) and she turned around and told me that I need to get Damien into a routine now else he will be a naughty kid when he is older, I should trust he on that one! SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am so annoyed with her. Just because Damien isn't in a strict routine, he will be a naughty brat?! For gods sake, you don't think even your own mate will criticise the way you bring up your kid would you :evil: What gives her the right to say that? She has always been a bit funny since I have had Damien and that her OH and her haven't had a kid yet (not that she is TTC, he doesn't want kids yet and she only wants one coz she thinks it will be 'fun and cute' :roll: ), but she's really peeved me off this time.

*runs around screaming Nikki style* RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Just had to let that out, sorry) :oops:
my son never had a routine 15 years later and he has,nt :rotfl: but he made head boy this year so tell her to go shove it cheeky cow
I really hate it when people do that Sami!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Bloody know it alls....I have people who have never been pregnant or never had kids lecturing me on my pregnancy/child's upbringing and I think WTF do you know??? Grrrrr.

It does sound like she could be slightly jealous to me though? :think:

You carry on what your doing Sami your doing a fabby job sister :hug:
i think as long as your happy and damiens happy then no one has any right to say anythin about your routine!!
my eldest 2 didnt really have any routine until they started school, and they are fine!! i know i would say that but really they are lol

ppl like that stress me out too!!
Aw Sami, she knows NOTHING! Too many reality TV programmes watched involving kids I suspect!

sending hugs (())
I just love people without kids that know it all. Silly arses.
This really bugs me, people with no experiance telling you how to bring up your child. I don't even take much notice of people that do have exprance! Can't stand people preaching to me about my kids.
Sami, you met Mason, he's good as gold and never had a strict routine as a baby. Tell your friend to talk about stuff she knows about instead of stuff she's got no experience of whatsoever.

She had, before the conversation above, invited me over to see her new flat she hs recently bought with her OH. I said I would go but now I really don't want to! Any good excuses, other than I think she is a tactless know-it-all busy body?
Just tell her 'Oh i better not, it won't be baby proofed!!!' and 'i wouldn't want damien to be sick on your new sofa'

Or even better take him and let him sick up on the sofa :twisted:
haha, reflux used to an advatage, I like it :rotfl:

I feel like texting or emailing her telling her exactly what I think, I'm so annoyed with her. The fact that all kids are different and my son seems happy and well behaved enough (generally!) even though he has no routine obviously must be wrong, just coz she works in a run down crap nursery, she knows everything about bringing up a child doesn't she
I know how annoying i must be for you, but i thibnk the best thing for your own state of mind would be to let it go over your head, you don't need the hassle.

I would file it away for future reference though :)

and the next time she says something out of order , tell her that you let this one go even though it majorly p****d you off but you just can't let her opions over something she knows nothing about go on

hope that made sense :?
Yeah it does!

I'lll bosh that women in the face when I see her. She only started talking to me again when she found out I was pregnant and had Damien, wanted to be all involved. :roll: Before that I had barely spoken to her since leaving high school at 16 4 years ago. She origionally got mardy at me when we were 16 because I was going to college to do the same course as her, but pulled out because I was unwell physically for a long time. She said I left her in the lurch. :roll:

Dunno why I actually bothered talking to her anyway! I just want everyone to be nice :?
Aaah sod her funny cow she is

i have had 'friends' like that bet in a couple of months you won't see her for dust

:hug: :hug:

forget about it hun, don't let her wind you up
you know you are doing the best thing for Damien and thats all that matters
:hug: Sami, your friend sounds like a dick! :lol: She shouldn't really be throwing advice and comments about like that til she has her own experiences. Although maybe she didn't mean it to come out like that? I know my friend's just fell out with her good mate because she said something like-"Do you not think Liam should be in his own room by now?"

My friend only said that because Liam is 13 months and she thought it'd be better for them both in long run but her mate took it as a critisism of her parenting and they have fell out big style. (thats a one I'm staying out of lol)

Hopefully you have de-stressed by now Sami and feel a bit better. :hug:
:rotfl: Got a text from her this morning!! She asked if I was still coming over and also said "By the way I wasn't saying Damien was going to be naughty, I said I know kids close to me with no routine and they are well bad. But thats probs from bad parenting and your a good mum! Just to get that straight!"

Yeah right love, coz you said that didn't you :roll: :rotfl:

Haven't replied, not sure what to say to that other than "BULLSH*T !"
:hug: oh its always the ones that dont have children that think they know EVERYTHING !

Just wait till she has her own then say the same thing & see how much she likes it!
just wanted to add that my sil's sil was like that forever criticising, but remember the saying what comes around. now her 2 boys are a nightmare and she recently apologised

Hun dont listen to her she dont have any idea what she is talking about you are doing a fantastic job :hug:

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