How can I stop thinking about this


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I really need to stop thinkng about TTC its driving me crazy. I thought that if I stopped temping then it would be easier as there would be no daily reminder that we're TTC but I'm still exactly the same.

Everytime I make plans for anything it pops into my mind that "by then we might be pregnant"

I can't seem to concentrate on doing anything at the moment.

somebody please help me. how can i stop thinking about it? i need to get my concentration back.

OH says i have OBD (obsessive baby disorder).....I need a cure!
Theres nothing I can say, I do it it too.

Am priding myself this month on how am dealing with everything I am blocking it out of my head completly.....

However I start my OPKs tomorrow, I think that once i start doing this it will be on my mind all the time. :cry:

I now have the conclusion am actually mentally stopping myself getting pregnant by my constant ups and downs with emotions that i have due to TTC.

I cant help thinking that I wish I was one of those who just "luckily" became pregnant rather than having to actually ttc.
when u find the cure , pass it over !

i really want to go america , be nice to b4 having kids , wanted to go for our wedding anniversary in april , even said id stop ttc so i didnt catch b4 we went ( wanna do theme parks) but we cant raise the money to go . prob could by oct sometime but i dont wanna put off ttc for that long considering its just not happening ! and then i think what if it didnt happen and i would have missed the chance of going ! or spend the money on not such a nice hol in april lol

ive even been putting off changing my unhappy job incase i fell pregnant ! its daft !

hitting the 13 month mark has really hit me hard tho :wall: feeling much mre positive today then yesterday !

chellie wish i was in ipswich , we could have meet up and banged heads together lol
helps to know i'm not the only one!

G3M you still have family in Ipswich? If so perhaps when you next visit we could meet up for 1/2 hour or something?
yeh i do , and my mates too , may even be down sometime n the next couple of weeks as dh is working both weekends coming up :roll:

id be up for meeting :wave: mother care , toyrsus anywhere like that :rotfl:

will PM you my mobby number then you can let me know. :hug:
and replied .

Have found a 5 min cure....get hubby to chase you round dining room table!
took my mind off TTC and cheered me up no end :rotfl:
i got another , clean bathroom with bleech that i know cant get rid of the smell and taste up my nose and in my throat , its make me feel :puke:
I've not been on much for a few days as I was trying not to think about it and stress but it hasn't worked- send me some cure when you find it... :roll:
Chellieboo i am EXACTLY the same as you - when i see/think about something i always think....well this time then i got be pregnant/have had a baby!! OMG its driving me mad - i am constantly thinking about it!!! :lol:
*stands up* My name is Jacqui and I suffer with OBD *sits down*

ah that feels better :hug:

I know how you feel hun, but they say if you want something hard enough and you believe it will happen, it will.

Dont just want it to happen, Know it will! It will! It will happen for all of us!! :hug:

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