How can I make evening feeding better?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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In the evening Emms seems to find it really difficult to feed easily. She bobs on and off the boob and cries with frustration sometimes. She doesnt have a problem with latching all the rest of the day, just after about 8.30 at night. I know she is probably tired and have been expressing a bottle for her, but with that she takes ages just to have a couple of oz of milk from the bottle and messes around with it, chewing the teet and not really swallowing much milk.

Does anyone have any tips of making this better?
Awww hun! :hug:

We went through a similar thing with Lola. She would just fuss every night without fail and it was so draining. No matter what we tried nothing stopped her doing it we just had to ride it out and she eventually stopped doing it.

She will still have a fussy night every now and then if she gets over tired (like last night i didn't get her to bed till 1.30am) but she is generally ok now :)
Logan gets like that around 9-10pm, I normally take him to bed at that point and feed him lying down. he usually falls asleep then.
I have the complete opposite at the mo hun, my little one fusses just like yours but usually about 10am :(

The only thing i can suggest is taking her into the bedroom and feeding her lying down in very low lights. I do this with Calleigh and it helps settle her down for bed at night.
Thanks guys - I have never fed lying down, but will give it a go - is it hard to get into position? Looks like we'll have to ride it out :lol:
When i feed lying down, i lie on my side and lie Calleigh on her side facing my breast then latch her on. Basically lie so that the nipple is lining up nicely so baby can reach. She usually has a hand each side of the breast as if she is holding it.
Make sure you are comfy too tho hun. Its so relaxing feeding lying down, i love it.

It was the only way i could feed her at first when we came home from the hospital, i had to learn how to feed her on my lap, which took me some time :?
I still find feeding whilst lying down the best but obviously this aint always an option :lol:
Great tip re lying down feeding, the best evening we had for a long time last night :dance:
loz said:
Great tip re lying down feeding, the best evening we had for a long time last night :dance:

:cheer: :cheer:
Yay fantastic news hun.
Well done you and Emms

Did you find it comfortable for you?
glad it worked :D i could only feed lying down to start with too
I love feeding lying down. I didn't even wanna breastfeeding but my partner pushed me. And the hospital encouraged me to lay down to give me variation of ways which i thought was good. I lay her down when she wakes up at 6am. Then i can get another hour or so sleep. And when she does wake she's loads happier and very quiet for a while.
It was really comfortable! Emms loved it and fell asleep really easily :D

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