How big should you be!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Morning all. :wave:
Hope you all had wonderful breaks over easter. We had our first visit to Mothercare - not to buy baby things (waiting a while for that, but I can't wait!!!!) but to buy a maternity skirt. Which brings me on to my question. My DW is only 6 weeks, and is a very trim toned girl, but is really showing quite considerably, and by a good couple of inches if trousers are anything to go by. How much of a change have others of you around the same time noticed? Maybe we have twins or more on the way!!!
Hello again!

Size completely varies from person to person. I have friends who didn't show until they were 16-18 weeks with their first, and I was clearly looking pregnant by 8 weeks. I think if you are normally quite slim you show earlier. Oh and toned people generally show LATER and don't achieve such large bumps (so Liz in 3rd Tri has been told by her MW) because they have such brilliant stomach muscles.

I have a huge bump make of that what you will :rotfl:
Ditto what debecca said.

All women are different and some show sooner, some later. Slimmer ladies seem to show a bit sooner.

Also consider it may well be your wife is bloated and so everything is getting tighter. It might not all be gain around the tummy, but elsewhere therefore making things tight.

There really is nothing to worry about, each woman's body will do as it does. So long as your wife is eating sensibly then :) Women do store excess fat in pregnancy to help support baby. All normal.

Im almost 7 weeks and im getting a belly but i think this is just bloating at this stage as the baby is still tiny so cant be that. I cant wait to show and have a bump though..

Claire x
In the first few weeks I had a big bump appear but I think that was just bloating. I had to have some maternity trousers though because my other ones were so tight.

Now I'm 10 weeks my bloating has gone down considerably but now I am left with an actual little baby bump so I still need the trousers!
I definately gained a big bulge of bloat in early days, and haven't really shown as a baby bump until very recently.

It really does vary, not only from one person to the next, but also sometimes the same person will 'grow' differently with different pregnancy.

My Brother OH is about 5ft and a naturally tiny size 6, with their first she didn't show until about 3 months, then not until later with the second but with the third she was showing in the first few weeks. x

Yeah as the others have said, it does vary. I had my first scan at 11+3 (dating scan) and my MW sent me back at 13+3 because she was worried another LO was hiding somewhere! I only have one, but have had some kind of bumpage all through this pregnancy so far and haven't notice a "pop" because it seems to be big all the time!

Anyway, after a little checking out and the second scan, it shows that I have an antroverted womb and a longer than average vaginal canal which is ok, the only problem it could pose is the head being engaged (which to me, is still a pretty big problem!)...

...Because your DW is small, it is very likely that she will show quicker and feel bubs move quicker too... So it's all very exciting!! xx
Hi :wave:
size veries from women to women it's the spice of life and makes everything more intresting and exciting

my midwife told me sometimes an early bump is water retention of trapped gas( id rather think it was the baby:rotfl:)
im of a small stuture and so my true baby bump began showing early on, as well it had no where else to go the someone a bit taller may not show for a lot longer
i also have a toned tummy from martail arts training
you may find this comes in handy after birth my midwife told me toned stomachs find it easier to regain there shape:dance:

bumps can be big or small but as long as your baby is happy healthy and growing well i wouldnt worry to much

everyone grows at diffrent rates and im sure you look fantastic
enjoy the rest of you pregnancy
:hug:sarah :wave:
I'm just going to repeat what the rest of the girls have said really - all depends on the person.

I didn't really have a bump until about 27 weeks

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