How are you ladies finding it


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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How are you ladies finding coping with being so big and uncomfortable?!
Its driving me mad!! is this something you get used to or is it gonna go away, cos i dont know how ill cope for another 7 -9 weeks!!!
I cant sleep, i cant put my socks or trousers on i cant get out of the bath,im struggling to even roll over in bed!!! i feel like im about 55 stone lol!!!
It might be because im measuring big for my dates aswell, i dont know! How do u other women cope?? i know u just have to get on with it but have u got any tips lol?!
Hey, sorry you're struggling at the mo :hug:

I'm only 27 weeks, still awaiting my next bump growth spurt but i'm now having to sit to put socks/shoes on etc and getting to the point where picking things up off the floor is hard too!!

Didnt want to read and run....hope the other ladies have some advice for you! :hug: :hug:
Im also finding it very hard atm as i get irritable feet at night and my bumps so heavy, i have resorted to getting tubi grip banb=dages for my andkles and feet and a maternity pillow for my bump, they help loads x
It's driving me mad too - your not alone. :hug:
My legs have started to get restless at night so i can't get to sleep then when i do finally drop off i wake up cos i need a wee! - then i can't get up to get out of bed and have to kind of bum shuffle to the edge of the bed.
Then i get back in bed and little LO wakes up and starts kicking!!!

Daytime is no better - I'm constantly dropping things and have to bend down to pick things up and my bump feels like it weighs a ton. My latest thing over the last couple of days is ive started to get aching in my groin and hips....and still 10 weeks to go!!!!

The only place i feel comfortable at the moment is in the bath.
Im still fairly active, although find picking things up really tough, and hoovering makes my back hurt! Putting on socks is tough too!

Im still walking the dog for an hour of so a day - but getting over all the stiles in the fields is really hard and have to almost lift my leg over! Am trying to find a dog walker though as give it another 4 weeks or so and dont think I will be able to walk her too far and she needs a good 2 miles a day!

I am loving my baths more and more, but had to buy myself one of those suction style bath mat as kept slipping trying to get out - so feeling like a real OAP at the moment :rotfl:
I find it more and more difficult. I miss the things I used to do, the bloke went navigating over the North York Moors and bothying weekend before last and I was so envious that I couldn't physically come along. I always used to walk lots (last time in the hills was at about 19 weeks though) and now I struggle even on even ground as my belly and my hips start aching. And at the moment I really could use the great outdoors just to get my head clear. But then I don't even fit into my waterproof anymore and kind of struggle tying my shoelaces.

Well, not long now and I can do it again.
The most I can walk is round supermarket..but this still sets of BHs and kills my pelvis, backand hips. I usually have to lie down for couple hours when I get back, :( . Can no longer go round town, or travel too far :talkhand:
CANNOT get my socks on myself, cannot hoover now as hurts too much, and have to heave myself about in bed at night.
Am trying to perservere with perineal massage but find it hard to reach. All in all, Im a mess!!!
ugh its horrid isnt it !!
Shopping kills my back - hubby has to put my socks and shoes on but if he's not here to do that i wear my flip flops :roll:
Getting in and out of bed hurts, as does turning over, as does everything :wall:

I have to squeeze into the shower :shakehead: and then squeeze out

AARRGGHH - I Hate being so huge
I just wanted to add if you didnt know any different reading all these posts you would think you were reading posts from the WI or Ladies Over 80's club!!!

I had such a crappy day yesterday but am grinning from ear to ear reading these posts........its a case of I either laugh or I would cry :D
I'm struggling big time, having a 15 month old who's constantly making a mess that if I don't tidy up I'm tripping over cos I can't see my feet :lol: plus I'm asthmatic so just now when I carried him upstairs for his nap I nearly collapsed!
I feel so unfit, fat and useless but I do try to walk around as much as possible and keep on the go, by 8 p.m I'm good for nothing and can hardly be bothered to run the bath.
Way I see it though is that my days will be a lot tougher once l/o arrives!
i wake up every couple of hours at night, because i'm so uncomfy. there's a little bum right under my right boob that feels like it's gonna break a rib anytime soon! it's horrible!
i am finally becoming imobile, i have just been to town and took a very slow hobble round, i now hurt everywhere and i barely really moved :(
I still feel really tiny for my dates, I'm loads smaller this time round than I ws with DS so I'm not really waddling much yet :D MW isn't concerned about size so I'm not either but it's odd I have such a tiny bump this time.

I find bending over, putting socks & shoes on & picking up ds difficult. And we've got squashy sofas so getting up isn't easy. Generally though I'm not too fed up yet :D

I do get pretty sore if I walk for more than 15 mins anywhere though. It's not full blown SPD but it's that area and it's only when I overdo it (so 3 or 4 times a week :wink: :roll: )
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I am good for nothing now i just sleep in the mornigns, get up maybe get dressed and then watch tv lol if i stand to long it hurts and i cant walk far as it starts to hurt badly, i am even getting the shopping delivered, i am slowly turning into a recluse lol
Haha what a bunch we are!!!
Hoovering?!Whats that?! haha!

Nice to know that the rest of you are going through the same, and im not whinging over anything!! i can just about cope in the days, but the sleepless nights are really getting me down now!!!

Not so nice to know that its probly going to get worse, not better!!!
Been to stepmums today and saw a excersise ball thing and when i got there i couldnt resist having a go, i didnt get off it till we left 4 hours later lol!!!
It realllly seemed to help when i rolled backwards as it seemed to give some releif from under my ribs, think i will deffo be investing in one of those tommoro!!!! Shame you cant bounce yourself to sleep eh ladies!!
I'm going to buck the trend and say I feel alright :)

I feel a bit heavy at times and my pelvis is really sore but I have felt better from about 30 weeks than I did at any other time during pregnancy. I don't have too much trouble sleeping or anything.

I saw my sister in law last week who is 4 days ahead of me and she is so huge, she was sweating just sitting doing nothing and huffing and puffing all over the place and I felt so un-pregnant! I even said something to her about running up the stairs and she was like :shock: 'You can run up stairs?'

Leaky boobs aren't fun but the rest of it is manageable :)
I'm not too bad - bit breathless on the stairs but still working full time and not on light duties or anything (I'm a theatre nurse). DH has to put my shoes on if he is in but I can still manage on my own. The only thing that gets to me is the bloody heartburn - its horrendous! :evil:

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