How am I supposed to be happy for him?
My partners sister has just had a baby - and I think I have coped quite well - she was very young and not working and is being supported by her parents - it wasnt planned. I had just got my head around all of this and was coping quite well - even having cuddles with the baby and I even bathed her (actually I was quite enjoying it and treating it as practice for when I finally manage to have a baby) When my partners mother (who works at the same company as me) tells me this morning that his messed up older brother is having another baby with his current girlfriend - I am really upset - I sure she could tell by my face. He already has 2 kids with 2 different women and - by his choice - has nothing to do with either kid, He is in financial trouble and a total F**K up.
WHY CANT IT BE US.....................
We have worked so hard to get out of debt and into a suitable financial situation to allow us to have a baby. We both have good jobs, our own house, and a really strong 8 year relationship. We want this more than anything and it feels like its happening to everyone except us.
I feel selfish and jealous - Just when I get my head around one new baby I have another to think about.
I want to be able to feel happy for people when they tell me they are going to be parents. Its so hard. It feels like its never going to happen for us
My partners sister has just had a baby - and I think I have coped quite well - she was very young and not working and is being supported by her parents - it wasnt planned. I had just got my head around all of this and was coping quite well - even having cuddles with the baby and I even bathed her (actually I was quite enjoying it and treating it as practice for when I finally manage to have a baby) When my partners mother (who works at the same company as me) tells me this morning that his messed up older brother is having another baby with his current girlfriend - I am really upset - I sure she could tell by my face. He already has 2 kids with 2 different women and - by his choice - has nothing to do with either kid, He is in financial trouble and a total F**K up.
WHY CANT IT BE US.....................
We have worked so hard to get out of debt and into a suitable financial situation to allow us to have a baby. We both have good jobs, our own house, and a really strong 8 year relationship. We want this more than anything and it feels like its happening to everyone except us.
I feel selfish and jealous - Just when I get my head around one new baby I have another to think about.
I want to be able to feel happy for people when they tell me they are going to be parents. Its so hard. It feels like its never going to happen for us