how accurate are gender scans?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Just wondering who knows someone who was told they were having one sex and had the other?

We were told 80% a girl but Oh still wont let me go shopping for any more girl stuff incase its wrong

I always hear stories about them being wrong so was wondering how many if any of you actually know someone who had the wrong prediction rather than hearing of a friend of a friend type storys which are usually less believeable

I just know of the one but she had the doc put it in a envelop and lucky for her didnt actually read it till a few weeks after the baby was born, She hada boy and the letter said girl
i'd never heard of sonographers getting it wrong, when i had my sexing scan the sonographer zoomed right in and checked and he's definatley a boy! lol
Ive not heard anyone personally. My aunties friend had her's changed from one scan to the next.

I guess theres always a chance its wrong - but i figure you can always return stuff or re-selll if its wrong.

Yeah see mine never showd us at all just when the scan was over machine off and all that she said im 80 % is a girl and that was that, I did expect her to show us during but when she hadnt i guessed she couldnt see anything but when she said girl i was straight out shopping LOL but hubby is goin mad at me n telling everyone not to buy anything yet but the whole reason i wanted to find out was so we could buy the boy or girl stuff to be organised so now he making me second guess, Although we both had a gut feeling it was gir from day 1 anyway ahhhh im so impatiend hahaha
She should have shown you really.....was it your nhs scan or private?
I have six nephews and nieces and they've all been what they were predicted to be..

I'd say you can buy girl stuff! As Mclean said you can always return or re-sell stuff. It's also good to get a bit in neutrals though, if you are planning on ever having another baby, cause then you can re use some things, whether you then get a boy or a girl! At least I think I'll do that.. thought about it the other day.. :p
My midwife warned me about the private 4D scans, that a lady had one done at 16 weeks, was told it was a boy but at the nhs 20 week scan they discovered they had been told incorrectly, the baby was infact a girl. I had a cvs so know for sure mine's a little princess :)
My friends been told a boy at one scan and a girl at another, she's actually bought loads of boy clothes, pram etc.
I'll let you know she's been in slow labour a week!!!! x
My friends been told a boy at one scan and a girl at another, she's actually bought loads of boy clothes, pram etc.
I'll let you know she's been in slow labour a week!!!! x

A WEEK?????? :faint:
my sister in law had a private one done (the same place i had one done) and they said she's having a girl and she checked at her 20 week one so when i have my 20 week in a fortnight i'll definatley know!
yeah it was my nhs scan , the private ones here are 150 so cant realy afforde it to be honest, we dont get any other scans now do we?

Ah think il just keep shoppin n tell him to stop moaning hehehe
Chatted to some people at a car boot sale with a baby, they said their sonographer got it wrong and she had apparently done it before or after too (can't remember). They said she wasn't employed there anymore however!!!
I'll take some some neutral baby clothes to hospital just in case. xx
Well a girl I went to school with had her baby yesterday... Was told at the 20 week NHS scan AND the private scan she was having a girl... Out popped a beautiful little boy :)

It happens but I think its rare xx
I am sure baby shops have this all the time lol. Just keep your receipts xxxxxxxxxx
yeah it was my nhs scan , the private ones here are 150 so cant realy afforde it to be honest, we dont get any other scans now do we?

Ah think il just keep shoppin n tell him to stop moaning hehehe

hugsy where abouts are you hun? I think the next scan is 30 weeks or something xxxxxx
im in d isle of man, there just one place that does the private scans and they come over from some uk place reasure3d i think for the last sunday of each month, was gonna go to liverpool but the flights r fairly expensive and when u add it all up its just as much

Im sure it will be a girl just hate that hubby putting downer on it, i mean i guess she says 80% so thats the odds LOL If im honest I was leaning twords a boy before the scan so wouldnt be dissapointed if it did turn out scan was wrong, once she/he is healthy :) just hate having my shopping ruined hehe
I was told 80% girl and have not bought anything gender oriented - that is partly because I wouldn't want all pink or all blue anyway but I don't 100% have faith as I know of 2 people who they got it wrong for - first lady was told a boy and she had 2 already so bought nothing extra and out came a girl and 2nd was told at 2 4D scans a girl and she had a boy - my hypnobirthing leader has been a midwife for 15 years and she told me not to believe it too much as she has seen them get it wrong loads of times - really don't want to sound cynical but she even told me to go as far as not calling the baby she in case I get too attached to the idea of it being a girl and then go on to have a boy - have another scan next Tuesday and I will ask again without telling the person what I was told previously and see what the outcome is

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