

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Omg i dont know where to start! no offence to DH but he isnt very tidy and the house always looks like a bomb sight!! Was freaked out when we took our old washing machine out and there were mouse droppings there, now i am a clean freak, and i am sure it is just where our naughty cat bought in a mouse and let it go but still made me feel sick!!!

anyone got any good tips to make DH be a bit tidier?

I have no advice i'm afraid. My OH's isn't 'messy' but he's 'untidy' as in he leaves his plate in the living room instead of putting it in the dishwasher or leaving his socks in the place he took them off etc.

Lucky for him though I always tidy up after him without complaining. I think this is because A. I said when I met a man I wanted to live with i'd never be a nagging housewife! lol and B. Because i'm so used to picking up after the kids I childmind I usually tidy up after him on auto pilot because i'm so used to picking things up all day after kids lol.

My OH is really good though because if I ask him to do something (even hoovering the whole house and our house is on 4 levels!!) he always does it without complaint because I usually do all of the cooking and cleaning!!

Just ask your OH to be a little bit tidier. Failing that if my OH moans I threaten to stop cooking for him!! Works everytime! hahaha :)

My OH is horribly untidy, I'm forever cleaning up after him, with a mop, duster or vacuum! He never puts anything in the bin, plates never go in the dishwasher and I don't think he's ever mopped a floor in his life. I don't mind though, he works really, really hard and pays for pretty much everything so I guess it's only fair - I do hope he improves a bit once the baby arrives though, I could probably do with a little help to start off with!
My dh is untidy and doesn't do a lot to help me tidy up... Our house is nearly always untidy!
my hubby used to be a pig but i started making him do half the housework taught him how to do washing and as he couldnt cook i said if i cooked he had to do all washing he had no choice. i mostly do it now cos he has learnt to clean up after himself eg clothes in basket and dishes in dishwasher but i think 1 he realises how much i do now and 2 he knows ill make him do loads lol. his mum cant believe it lol xxx

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