
Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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How many of you have housework/cleaning schedules?

Do you find that they work for you? Or do you think that after the everyday stuff you just do what needs doing at that time and that works better?

Does anyone have a cleaning rota/schedule that works that they could post?

The reason I ask is that I have a very 'high traffic' house, which is basically a nice way of saying madhouse :rotfl: With the dogs, horses, cats an small pets, plus soon baby and working again I think everything will slide otherwise at a rapid pace....

I really want to get some sort f routine established asap but I really don't know where to start :?
I know I should have one, but there's too many things I'd rather do. We're trying to do a little bit around the house everyday, but find schedules a bit sad.

I used to live with a guy who refused to make plans for saturday mornings as he always cleaned the bathroom on saturday mornings. For 2 hours. A 3 sqm bathroom. And no way that this could be done any other time. When I realised that owning a dishwasher together as the only good thing about the relationship, I finally left.

Now I'm messy and happy with somebody who's as happy as I am to just do it as we go along.

I guess that doesn't help you though, sorry.
I feel like a right slut. :lol: Do people really have rotas? :shock:

I joined a yahoo group a while ago, which emails you daily tasks and encourages you. Not exactly what you're looking for but it might help.

Didn't for me. I really am THAT slutty :? :lol:
I do stuff as it needs it- obviousy things like washing up, Washing and drying etc are a daily chore but things like hoovering, dusting, cleaning the oven and stuff is as and when.

I change the bed sheets every week and I clean the bathroom and give the kitchen a thorough clean twice a week.

Couldn't stick to a rota with a baby! :shakehead:
I have a rota :oops:
not of what times but of what i'm doing on what day (i.e. what washing, cleaning etc)

it's on an excel sheet.. :oops: :oops: :oops: mines on a 2 week basis and i worked it around my OH's 2 week working rota - so i do the housework mainly when he is at work so we can enjoy his days off. I tried copying it from excel and deleted my OH's working hours - it looks a bit funny on here though!

I have a tiny 2 bed house so it's fairly easy going.

I wrote a long list of all the jobs that needed doing, then how often i wanted them doing and then i fitted that around my week...

(am i sad)

Week One

*General tidying
*Make bed "
*Light wash (n)
*Dry day towels (n)"
"*Hoover upstairs/downstairs

"*General tidying
*Make bed" "
*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry light wash (n)"

"*General tidying
*Make bed" "
*Towel wash (d)
*Dry towels (n)
*Dark wash (n)"
*Clean kitchen/bathroom"

"*General tidying
*Make bed" "
*Bedclothes wash/dry (d)
*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry dark (n)"
*Empty bins

"*General tidying
*Make bed "
*Dry day towels (n)
"*Hoover downstairs


"*General tidying
*Make bed" "
*Mixed wash (n)
*Dry day towels (n)"

"*General tidying
*Make bed" "
*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry mixed (n)" "
*Empty bins"

Week Two

"*General tidying
*Make bed"
"*Light wash (n)
*Dry day towels"

"*General tidying
*Make bed "
"*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry light wash (n)"
"*Hoover upstairs/downstairs
*Clean kitchen/bathroom

"*General tidying
*Make bed"
"*Towel wash (d)
*Dark wash (n)
*Dry towels (n)"

"*General tidying
*Make bed"
"*Bedclothes wash/dry (d)
*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry dark (n)"
*Empty bins

"*General tidying
*Make bed"
*Dry day towels (n)

Saturday "
"*General tidying
*Make bed "
"*Mixed wash (n)
*Dry day towels (n)"
"*Hoover downstairs
*Clean kitchen/bathroom

"*General tidying
*Make bed"
"*Dry day towels (d)
*Dry mixed (n)"
*Empty bins"
widowwadman said:
I used to live with a guy who refused to make plans for saturday mornings as he always cleaned the bathroom on saturday mornings. For 2 hours. A 3 sqm bathroom. And no way that this could be done any other time.
Before I lived with my OH this would have been my ideal man as I was exactly the same!! Cleaning on a Sat morning without faiil (tho maybe 2 hourson bathroom is a tad excessive!) but that was before my OH taught me the C word and how important it is....


It has certainly made our relationship better too ...

Now, we have a cleaner for main rooms and the rest gets done whenever by whoever... I can't believe how laid back I am about it all nowadays... having Imogen has certainly chilled me out with such matters. I get satisfaction from other things now (more important) like getting 7 hours straight sleep, having time to straighten my hair, going on PF...and I'd rather be doing these things than housework! :eek:
I think i need to take a leaf out of your book Suzie.

I have no rota at all apart from making the bed as soon as i get out of it (i find it impossible to get into a bed thats not made). Like Jade i do the daily things that need doing.

TBH i find it very hard to do the housework when oh is at work as little madam requires all my daytime attention or im out. Shes only going to be little once i try and spend all my time playing and entertaining DD (This is my excuse to oh)
I just do things as and when they need doing.
Everyday the washing up gets done (would love a dishwasher) a clothes wash gets put on/dryed, and i have general tidy round.

Things like dusting and hoovering get done when its needed. Bed sheets are changed once a week.

Currently trying to sort out my kitchen, trying to get rid of crap that doesnt get used and just have key items. It seems to be cluttered lately.
I don't have a schedule as such, but I do have a little "routine" thing, I'm a bit OCD on cleaning since nesting kicked in!

Before I go to bed:
I wipe the sides down, take any cups or anything to the kitchen, put the dishwasher on (so it's ready in the morning), pack anything away that's lying around, put the washing machine on (again, so it's ready in the morning)...

When I get up:
I empty the dishwasher so it's free for people to pack their stuff away in instead of it going in the sink (that REALLY does my head in!!), I hang the wet, washed clothes on the airer, do any ironing from the clothes that dried the day before, hoover, dust, mop etc.

Because I do it daily, there's not a lot that needs doing. I just go obsessive on cleaning skirting boards, scrubbing bathroom tiles, toilet ducking the loos, dusting, cobwebbing, cleaning mirrors, the inside of windows, rearranging cupboards etc!

I'M MAD! :twisted: xx
I used to be pretty good at keeping the house clean and having a rota til I fell pregnant and found this forum.... now I'm a scumbag, OH does the cooking or no-one eats and I couldn't give a stuff...


In fact, guess what I'm supposed to be doing now?!?!?!?!?!

Oh well s**t happens!!!

Sarah xxx
I just do it when it needs it

Once i start cleaning though i dont want to stop

Sometimes theres nothing to clean...
I do things as and when. Basically I will do the kitchen first thing in the morning (I can't wash up every night cos we need hot water for the baths)
I do washing/ drying every day.
General tidying and hoovering every day, sweep laminate etc.
dusting every couple of days.
clean bathroom little bit everyday.

On a thursday my mum has Mason and Brody all day so I do a big clean then, plus ironing, plus the bedrooms.

My main struggle atm is clothes, OH is still decorating Masons room so I feel like I have piles of clothes etc everywhere cos Brody is moving into there when its done.
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I used to be pretty good at keeping the house clean and having a rota til I fell pregnant and found this forum.... now I'm a scumbag,
In fact, guess what I'm supposed to be doing now?!?!?!?!?!

Oh well s**t happens!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

me too!!! :lol: :lol:

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