What are your housework plans for today?

Well my kitchen was immaculate as of last night. Cat promptly came in and put muddy prints everywhere and then the woodburner man was here just now and put his muddy prints everywhere too!! So I'll be sorting all that out I guess.
this is why I dont have pets, they dont contribute to housekeeping at all!
no cleaning at all today, mostly packing...its moving day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited!
Aftyer a couple of lazy days .... I have done most of the house today, theres only so much mess i can take :lol:
You don't want to know how much I've done today :rofl:
We did tons yesterday :smug:
Today we hoovered the lounge and put the washer on....and went out for lunch and a bit of shopping.
Got to have a break I was cleaning the bathroom at 1am this morning :(

I have washing to finish, a few dishes to do and OH is putting the bin out before work.
I'm going to ignore the state of our bedroom till the weekend :blush:
Leigha has helped me today and she just asked "so wheres my pennies mum?"
Smart Kid! Im gunna be skint tho...she keeps asking for more jobs to do...strange child!
ive decided to sack the housework.. im on the couch with a blankie watching American Idol!
I definitely sack it at this time of night, unless I put the washing machine on or unload the dishwasher or wash the floors :oops:

I'm no very good at sacking it tbh :oooo: I tend to potter while on here, so it's on here, make a cuppa; tidy up, unload the DW, put a load of washing in the washer/dryer then sit then up again. I only sit if I watch telly which is only at night
I've got

2 guest bedrooms to re-make beds , sweep, hoover, polish etc.

1 living room to polish and hoover (bloody dogs...)

1 kitchen to clean - but it's not too bad

Tidy the dining room in prep for our games night tonight

Hoover the TV room

Clean two bathrooms...

and tidy this study.

Guess what I'm doing? :rofl:

Do you live in a mansion as well like? :lol:

I have done a squillion loads of washing, it just never ends xx
i finish work in 2 weeks and i am starting to draw up a cleaning programme for me to follow so i don't forget anything. I have this overwhelming urge to clean every inch of my home right now and if i don't draw up an itinery to follow i will end up sitting on here all day :lol: xx
:yay: 11 days till all day Pg Forum :oooo: or I mean cleaning :lol:
I still havent packed anything and now i wanna go to bed! Got to drive to the new house first thing. WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?!
nope, im with virgin and they said they can just transfer if I ring then once I move in. Hope it goes smoothly, I cant get on this website in work :(

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