House Exchange - What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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So, we are currently in a 2 bed Housing Association property in a lovely area, great schools etc, but need 3 bedrooms because of the age gap of our little ones, so have been trying to exchange for months now.
Nothing has really come up, because people don't tend to want to downsize really. Anyway, we have found a 3 bed who wants to exchange, but I'm unsure because of where it is, I wouldn't want my LO to go to primary school there, (although we have 2.5 years before he starts!), and the area in the past had a bit of a reputation for being not so nice.
So, would you move anyway for the space, make it nice, and then try and exchange again in about 18 months, for a 3 bed in a nicer area, because I think it'll be easier trying to move from a 3 to a 3, or would you stay in a house that is too small, and hope that soon the right house turns up.....

I'm very indecisive, and can't make up my mind, so thought I'd ask :) The new rules are being introduced in April around housing, so there might be a few more larger houses become available, but there is no guarantee (like with anything I guess.)x
I'd hold out and wait for somewhere that is in an area you want to live in. You may find that when the new bedroom cap comes in in April (someone correct me if I'm wrong) you'll have a lot more choice as people will be wanting to downsize to avoid having to pay for their spare bedrooms.
Thanks LJY. We went to properly view the house tonight, it is lovely, and the area isn't as bad as it used to be, but not an area I want to live longterm, but that's more to do with me, than the area or what its like tbh.
You are right tho, the bedroom tax is going to affect a large number of people, so could hold off and wait, but the kids aren't getting any younger, and really need their own space.
Anyway, we have hit another snag, we measured the doors in the house, and our sofa won't fit in the house, and neither will my beloved fridge, lol! So it's not looking like it was really meant to be, haha!
The new rules in April will really change things I think - even families with a girl and a boy, who until now have qualified for the 3 bed rate assuming the children shouldn't have to share with a member of opposite sex, will only qualify for the 2 bed rate if the children are under a certain age (can't remember exactly, but it's quite high) or would be charged the extra 25% for under-occupancy if they had a 3 bed so I can imagine a lot more families remaining in a 2 bed so more 3 beds will be available.
Yeah, it's same sex until they are 16, opposite sex until 10, 2 kiddies to a room. I have a 11 year age gap! I didn't take the house in the end, wasn't comfortable with the area, and had a phone call this morning from council, offering me a viewing tomorrow on another 3 bed, again not ideal area, but I'll have a look! At least if I'm being offered viewings, I must be getting to the top :)xx

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