house advice....


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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i need some advice ffrom non involved people....

in a nutshell.... OH and I live together in my house... he owns 2 properties which he rents out. Since before we met he has wanted a 3rd house as eventually he wants to stop work and do this full time...

I have my house on the market cos we are ttc and the area is not great - plus i have done well on the house and the profit will clear off my remaining debts (which isnt that much but is denting my monthly income) all of which will help if i get pg....

if OH gets a 3rd house it will stop us buying a place together cos of finance etc at least for the next 12/18mths. My quandry is do I sell my place and buy for us to live in until we can buy together or put the profit in a high interest savings account and rent until we buy?

We are a very stable couple (touches wood) and will get a place together I am not sure when though and I dont want to buy somewhere to try and have to sell in 6mths or so, but at the same time people keep telling me that i have worked hard to afford my own house and not to give up that aspect of independance....

I know what they are saying and to some extent I agree BUT if i were to get pg i think renting would put me a financially better position however i dont know how comfortable i would be not owning a property having done so for 4 years....

staying where we are isnt really an option either..... if i dont sell now i don't think I ever will!

any advice is more than welcome as its causing me major headaches... OH keeps telling me to do what is right for me and we will work around it :wave:
OH keeps telling me to do what is right for me and we will work around it

I love this last sentence as it seems to be the answer!

Maybe you can buy somewhere and then once your OH wants to buy somewhere together, he can just buy half the house off you? Just another option to confuse even more, sorry lol, but this is what I would consider doing in your position as it has both short and long term benefits and security for you.
Yeah i think GGG has a good point. Its a good idea.
Good luck whatever you decide x
it is an option i hadnt considered.... it just what it boils down to on a mortgage i guess and what i can get....

:wave: Hiya! I think that buying is the best option - you will never find a high interest account where you would make the same amount in interest that you would from property rises. I think renting is a huge waste of money if you can afford to buy as you are paying to line someone elses pocket rather than paying off a house. Plus if the money is in the house then it means it is not in a bank account where you are tempted to dip into it now and again, it is very easy to fritter money away!!!!

As for you and your man, he sounds like a treasure not pushing you into anything that you don't want to do which shows he is with you for the long haul and not in it for financial reasons. If you are thinking of having a baby then it makes more sense in my opinion to have the security of owning a house, also this commitment is similar to a marriage with your oh so names on a bit of paper (house ownership) is only that - a bit of paper!

As long as you look after the interests of you and baby you will be fine! I would definitely buy! But then I am a shopaholic and always encourage people to buy!!!!

Reading it back I don't think I have made any sense, but I will submit it anyway!!!
yep that did make sense.... Its so hard weighing up whats best for me with whats best for us..... but obviously any baby would come first....

and he is a treasure... (most days :rotfl: )

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