Hot, swollen feet!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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I think a combination of the heat, and the fact that i have been quite active has resulted in me having very hot and swollen feet.

My hands are a bit fat too :(

Need to dunk my tootsies in a bowl of cold water i think!

I hate it when my hands or feet/ankles swell up, it's horrible.
Try to rest, find somewhere cool to relax and I'm sure things will return to normal xx
I noticed that my feet are swollen while i was in the bath last night
I am the same. In the morning I have ankles and hey presto!! by the afternoon they have dissapeard must be some form of pregnancy magic :rotfl: . The veins in my hands an feet are really sticking out too. Cant bear to have anything on my feet and when I have to its flip flops.
I had to walk around town barefoot on saturday when my feet expanded out of my shoes!!!
Had to buy a cheap pair of flip flops in Primark which made me look about 90 but were sooo comfy.

Had to take my rings off a couple of weeks ago aas hands are constantly swollen now.THe joys!
my feet are hot n swollen too its really humid lately think thats why :?
I bought loads of backless shoes with airholes and some flipflops so my feet dont suffer, but I also invested in a pair of nike airs as well (got them cheap! :shhh: ) and they have to be the most comfortable trainers i have worn and fit well even when my feet swell up. So Im all prepared for the hot weather when it hits my way again.

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