Hospital today


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Well went to the hospital for more blood to be taken (they should just stick a tap in me) to retest choleastasis just to make sure, she also took pre eclamptic bloods as my blood pressure was high the first time she took it and then normal the next 2 times.

She said if there were any issues she would call me later when the results are in but she wants me to go tommorrow morning for blood preessure again and the test results.

Baby is totally fine though which is great as he has been a lazy so and so and I can't feel him move, she said it is probably because he has gone slightly back to back and he is kicking forward onto the placenta as that's at the frint.

I have just had enough now I feel really fed up and I ache all the time and it's making me moody which in turn is pissing hubby off and making him moody too.

I just want him here now, I have done my waiting the least he could do is make an appearance lol :)

Sorry for the whingey post I have been feeling off for a couple of days :(
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oh hunny i hope ur ok and remember im still here if u wanna moan or rant or anything!! the last few weeks are hard, but try to get as much rest as possible as you will be busy with LO when he arrives so you will need all the energy you can get :)

try not to worry to much bout bp as mine was sightly raised the last few weeks mw said only to worry if you start to show other signs of pre-eclampsia like bad head, dizziness, floaters in your eyes etc but hopefully all will be fine withh you :) xxxx
Hope it all went ok at the hospital! You don't have too much longer to wait for baby now, hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later!

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