Hospital stays


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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how long did you stay in hospital for after giving birth?
and if you stayed for a few days, what was the reason?
tbh, i think i'd prefer to stay in a few days!
i was in 2 days with kieron normal birth
i was in 6 days before hannah and 10 days after c section and scbu
i wasnt in hosp in the first place, but if i had been i think i'd wanna be out asap!
I went in at 8pm and was out at 2pm the following day...

If its an evening or night birth they make you stay in overnight..if its a morning birth or before 2pm and theres no complications they let you out the same day.. minimum stay is 6 hours.
I went to the labour ward about 11.30pm thursday night as i had been in labour all day an couldn't take it anymore with no pain relief i had Keeley on the Friday at 13.38pm and had an epidural so couldn't feel my legs until 8pm friday night we were discharged saturday morning about 11am
induced on the tuesday morning, gave birth tuesday evening and came out of hospital about 1pm on the wednesday. I'm glad I didn't have to stay in any longer as it was sooo hot and noisy at night and pretty boring lol. :)
Just 1 night, Lola was born at 11.12am and we left the next day at 1pm.

We only had to stay the night because she poo'd during the birth otherwise we'd have been able to go home the same day.
I was in 4 days after my section.
I don't think the ward was that busy as they were really relaxed about me staying. They said I could stay longer but I wanted to get home.
I had Imogen 4.45 and went home at 8pm that same day. I felt fine and just wanted to go home and rest.
i was n 3 nghts before as i was being induced and amber wasnt having any of it lol

Had her 11:20 and was home the following day at 1 because she was all fine and i had to show i had been for a wee as i was on catherter for 24 hours and i had trouble!! xx

I wanted to get home asap though i just couldnt relax and wanted my own bath and bed
went in on the monday morning at 8am to be induced had willow on the wednesday by emergency c section was let out at about 4pm friday so i was in a total of 5 days. :roll:
I was in 3 nights...after a section...just wanted to go home by then and was crying on the last night saying 'right thats it im going home' because i thought the mw was being nasty to me haha :rotfl:
I was glad to come home asap, i was stuck in a side room in the hosp and totally forgotten about, the nurses didn't even tell me I had to get my own breakfast from the lounge, I woke up the morning about 8.30ish and got told by the cleaner that the breakfast stuff was gone. :(
I went onto the ward at 2.30am and i didn't see any nurses until they came to do Robbie's checks at 11am.
I came home at 11.30 where I could be looked after properly.
The delivery staff were brill, but the after care was poor!
I was in 8days.
Because I'd had an epidural and spinal block I couldn't walk and needed a cathater so obviously couldn't leave :(
Then when they said I was 'allowed' to leave, it was discovered Isaac had extremely high bilirubin levels, jaundice, and had to be incubated and drip fed, obviously I wasn't leaving without him.
I cried like a baby when they said Isaac could go home, it was the best news, we could go be a proper family at home, I hated being in hospital, some women like it, I found the staff nice but really didn't want to be there :hug:
thanks for your replies everyone.
i dont wanna get kicked out straight away! lol id prefer to stay for a couple of nights to get used to feeding etc :D
I was in for 3 days after my first, but by my own choice. I could have gone home the next day if I was happy to. I had Tyler on Sunday around midday and came home on Wednesday morning. As he was my first I wanted to stay in to get help with breastfeeding and general advice, and as it is quite a small maternity unit the care was excellent and very much one-on-one so they had a lot of time for me. It also meant I wasn't worrying about everything that needed doing around the house, which I would've done if I'd been home. However, with this one I think I will stay just the one night, as I'm a bit more clued up this time and it will kill me to be away from my son for too long!
James was born at 5.30am on Saturday morning, and I went home on Sunday afternoon, as soon as they would let me.
I hated it in hospital, I was bored, didn't get a wink of sleep due to babies crying and the midwives were too busy to give me much attension. I just felt ignored and wanted to go home where I had family to fuss over me.
Total stay was 4 nights but only 2 were after the birth, I stayed cos was struggling with BF but to be honest I found them to be crap & I ended up saying i was guna feed her formula so they wud let me come home n sussed out BF here.

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