Hospital Bag


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Although I still have a way to go I'm now in the midst of writing up my hospital bag checklist, am unsure though whether it's best to pack one bag for me and one bag for the baby OR pack one bag for labour and one bag for afterwards. What does every think? x x
I am packing just one megabag but now maybe changing my mind to 3. One for labour, one for baby and one for stay in hospital. It should make no difference as they will all go in car but it means hubby will be able to just bring the one up with him during labour (will just pack one nappy, one vest and one sleepsuit in my labour bag). I had nothing for my labour last time (dunno why) but would at least like a long nightie, slippers, facecloth etc cos I gave birth in hospital gown last time!! I feel that my one megabag is like I'm going on
I'm just packing one big one with everything, that's what I did with my last 3 so sticking to that :D
I don't even know where to start with my bag! Where I want to have LO, the midwife told me that they have everything for baby already there, so I need only bring clothes... I think I'm going to speak to her on monday when i go for my 31 week appointment about it, so I can start getting things ready.

I'm having massive paranoia about early labour so I want to be prepared! I think I'm going to go with a one bag option, with a couple of compartments in the bag, OR a larger bag for me and then a smaller one for LO's things

I got a tongue in cheek telling off from my mw the other day for not packing mine yet. I'm doing 2 - one for me & OH (he needs drinks & snacks) and one for the baby. The baby's one is packed and good to go, that has all her clothes and a blanket plus maternity pads and breast pads for me. My bag will contain things like PJ's, clothes, wash stuff etc. I've bought pretty much everything i need, i just need to get a bikini top that fits (for a waterbirth), a feeding bra and some PJ's. I did buy PJ's, i got regular ones in a size 16-18 as i figured that the t-shirts i'm still wearing a regular size 14 and not maternity ones, that they would. The trousers do, but the top won't even go around me!!
I have mine pretty much packed, packing a different one for LO and husband will sort his out. Dont know if its wise to have 3 bags, might put mine and LO's into one bigger one but still separate stuff
Hi Bella!......I'm not sure what I'm doing but had thought I'd just put it all in one but you ladies above all have good ideas too!!.....The only tip I've been given so far is once you have everything you want to put in it, get your OH/Birth partner to pack it so that in the middle of everything if you want anything they will know exactly where it is to get it for you instead of you having to describe which bag/pocket of the bag/side of the bag it may be in! lol
Hi Bella!......I'm not sure what I'm doing but had thought I'd just put it all in one but you ladies above all have good ideas too!!.....The only tip I've been given so far is once you have everything you want to put in it, get your OH/Birth partner to pack it so that in the middle of everything if you want anything they will know exactly where it is to get it for you instead of you having to describe which bag/pocket of the bag/side of the bag it may be in! lol
That's a really good idea... wouldn't work for us, i actually don't know where i put things in the bag, and even if he packed it, he wouldn't remember by D-Day :lol:
lol! I think this is prob true of most men but I thought the idea was good in theory!.....I can imagine being in the throws of labour and shouting at my OH for not being able to find something even tho he packed the bloody bad himself! lol xx
lol! I think this is prob true of most men but I thought the idea was good in theory!.....I can imagine being in the throws of labour and shouting at my OH for not being able to find something even tho he packed the bloody bad himself! lol xx
Did you ever watch One Born Every Minute? There was one that made me laugh so much, the wife was in labour and she asked him to get a babygrow out the bag, and he basically took everything out, holding it up to ask if this is what a babygrow looked like. The mw had to help in the end
I am thinking of taking a little case... :) It is really small, and it's on wheels, which might be useful?.. Maybe I'll also pack 2 bags - one for the lo, one for the labour, and put them inside the case. Can take them out later when I need them, but won't need to carry all these bags separately with me :)

what you think? Or would taking a case look really weird? :)
I think a case is a good idea! If i had one, i would be using one, i only have a back pack and the changing back
Have three bags I'm working on. I don't want to have to explain to OH in detail where to find the thing that I need.

Sending him to bag 1, bag 2 or bag 3 will be so much easier!

Bag 1 is for Labour - bits like big t-shirts, socks, snacks for us, that sort of thing
Bag 2 is for baby - all the things baby will need, clothes etc
Bag 3 is for me after Labour, with washbag, changes of clothes etc
Have three bags I'm working on. I don't want to have to explain to OH in detail where to find the thing that I need.

Sending him to bag 1, bag 2 or bag 3 will be so much easier!

Bag 1 is for Labour - bits like big t-shirts, socks, snacks for us, that sort of thing
Bag 2 is for baby - all the things baby will need, clothes etc
Bag 3 is for me after Labour, with washbag, changes of clothes etc
I got one of those holdalls on wheels for my things and used a baby bag for Adams things - the pack of nappies had to fit in my bag but apart from that it worked out great and will be doing the same again x x

I haven't really thought about this til now. I think it might be best for me to have one bag to grab quick as we dont have a car so I have no idea how I'll be getting to the hospital!! Cross that bridge when I get to it.
I have three bags packed; one holdall for me, one holdall for baby clothes/blankets and one changing bag for nappies, wipes etc.

I want OH to be able to get things out without rummaging, and this way, we both know exactly what is where! :)
Traci, we're in the same situation. OH doesn't drive and it's hardly a time I'll be able to drive us. We found a really nice local taxi firm who are not only taking us (we've already paid the fare in advance) but also keeping a car available as much as possible in the run up to my due date.

They offered to do the return trip half price too which was nice of them!

One things someone suggested for hospital bag was a card and box of chocs for the midwives for after baby arrives, suppose it's a nice gesture and convenient to have it handy!
Bag 1 is for Labour - bits like big t-shirts, socks, snacks for us, that sort of thing

EmmBee123, can I ask why you need big t-shirts? Is it what you're supposed to wear in the hospital while in labour? Don't they give you some special clothes?
They will give you a gown but tbh i would prefer my own clothes. My friends said husbands t-shirt is perfect cause its roomy and you can unbutton them easily.

I got myself a plain gown from M&S which has buttons going down to under your breasts, looks more like a dress you would wear at home and would be perfect for BFing

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