horrible news!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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:cry: Ive just found out that my cousin cant have kids :cry: to make it worse neither can her older sister. I was devistated!! After all this time trying its making me more upset and im realiseing more and more that its possible i cant either. Also found out my sister missed 2 periods and had 1 BFP and 1 BFN :cry: Its not fair!
Aww Hun.... plz don't think the worst just yet.

Why don't you stick to the charting and see if you do ovulate... if not go down the route with the doc's and get some tests done....

I was told in January 2006 that I couldn't have children as I had PCOS for 8 years that I didn't know of. My previous doctor also failed to spot this. My new doctor said that my ovaries were badly damaged as I wasn't on any medication. In Sep/Oct 06 I went back to my doctor, after a few trips to the hospital it proved that my meds had been working and the doctor said I should have a problem getting pregnant, it might just take a while longer than others. So don't lose hope, it can happen.
Oh no thats so sad, why do they say that :cry: My mum was told she'd never have kids but here I am the youngest of 3. Don't give up hope on yourself, getting stressed about it won't do you any good. When you said your sis got a BFP and a BPN do you mean she is PG?
Take care :hug:
my step mum too wasnt told she could never have kids , she had a tube and ovary removed at 18 and had other problems. probb why when she got with my dad they werent carefull lol i now have 2 half brothers one is 2 and one is 4 and im 24 :shock: my step mum is 34 :)
So sorry to hear that hun, its awful when you get bad news about members of your family but im sure with your love and support they will get through this tough time :hug:

Do you know whats caused thier infertility? It might not be anything genetic, its a very very slim chance that it is so try not to think the worst :hug:
Hi Jenna

Sorry to hear about your cousins, thats really harsh. You shouldnt worry too much about yourself just yet. It takes the average couple 6-9 months to conceive, thats why they dont offer fertility testing beforehand.

On the other hand i can totally understand how this is making you feel, as glitzyglamourgirl (god that takes some typing) said you dont know what has caused the infertility and cousins are actually far removed gentically....think about it, its legal to marry a cousin which wouldnt be possible if there were close genetics.

Once you have found out, and i know its going to be a difficult thing to ask, you might want to visit your GP to put your mind at rest. Dont take no for an answer a decent GP will understand your concerns and realise the importance of state of mind on your general wellbeing.

Lastly seek and accept as much love and hugs from anyone you can, and be kind to yourself to get you through

heres another hug for ya :hug:
hi Jenna - try not to think the worst.

im sorry for your cousins :cry: it must be awful finding that out - but dont lose hope - there are loads of people who are told this but then go on to concieve but other than that there are lots of opotunities i.e. adoption. so dont lose hope hun!!

im so sorry again :cry:
yea i think my sister is, she is trying after all.
My cousin only has 3 periods a year so theyve said she cant have kids! :cry:
Hi Jenna

Just a suggestion but why not give VITEX (Agnus Castus) a try.. have a read up on the internet.... Here is a little info

is useful for acne, PMS symptoms, infertility, hormone imbalances, etc normalises the function of the pituitary gland (it controls and balances hormones by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone LH to increase progesterone levels in relation to oestrogen). The herb is an "adaptogen" so it will work to achieve normal hormonal levels whether you suffer from high or low levels.

Just a thought for you... mine as just arrived and I am going to give it a try.... ITS HERBAL.

5.99 off the holland and barrett website...

I am also trying OVULEX this month too.... my friend as just got preggers use that for 6 weeks....

Donna x
my sisters doctor said its a BFN for her, but shes missed 2 periods so i dont kno whats going on there. Im glad though, her boyfriend doesnt want the baby anyway.
What an awful thing to be told just becauce ahe only has 3 AFs a year, I've not had a single one 8 months and I haven't been told I cant conceive. Has she had any tests done? I'm sure if they put her on medication it would sort it out. She should keep going back until they do something. Good luck to you and your family :hug: :hug:
im not sure, i just felt really bad and didnt know what to say.

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