Horrible Mummy


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I feel like a horrible Mummy :( Me and Evie have had a lovely day (well, she's been a grotbag with her moaning, I think she has an upset tummy) but I've tried to mqake it as nice as posisble because the horrible Mummy that I am will be taking her to the hospital tomorrow to get her tongue tie cut :(

Poor thing! I feel so bad :( I know it's worth it, but I just look at her pleasant little face & feel so guilty!

Wish us luck for tomorrow! Hopefully she'll feed better... :pray: xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You're not horrible, it will help her no end... :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope it goes well though and isn't too painful for her.
Good luck Evie and Dannii, she'll be fine beautiful.

Valentine Xxx
Good luck- i dont think you could be a horrible mummy if you tried! you know its for the best..i hope it goes ok and you can get your booby feeding re established soon :hug: :hug:
one of the ladies at our LLL has done a number of tongue tie procedures and she says usually the mumis more upset by iy then the baby. Its hard hun, but the results will be worth it :hug:
Good luck, she won't feel a thing as there are no nerves there :hug: :hug: I'm sure everything will be fine hun :D

We went to the doctors today and have got a referral to see a paediatrician at the hospital tomorrow regarding Oscar's tongue tie :cheer: They want to see me breastfeeding him tomorrow as they will only release it if there are problems feeding. We have to use nipple shields but I have no idea whether they are going to say that because we are using those ok, we don't need it done. In fact the only reason the GP phoned up and got this appointment for us is because he has lost weight since his last weigh in :(
Your not a horrible mummy at all :hug: :hug:

She wont feel it hun and it will be over so quickly :hug:
aw dannii you are not a bad mum and its for the best, she wont even remember!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you both
I know exactly how you feel hun. :hug: :hug: :hug: I felt the same way with August and was very anxious. August did get quite upset, but he calmed down after he got some milk and was fine soon after. I think his tongue might have been sore for a day or so (although I don't think this is normal). Obviously it is long forgotten now and he enjoys breastfeeding so much, I know it was the right decision.

I know its scary, but you and Evie will be just fine!! Good luck for tomorrow and let us know how you get on. :hug:
Good luck hun. She will be fine and you are doing the best thing for her - you're not a horrible mummy :hug: :hug: :hug:
She will forget soon enough and all that booby feeding will make up for it :D Hope it goes OK hun :hug:
Good luck - she'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope that will bring an end to your BF:ing issues.

(I never hold my LO when she has her jabs done - I am such a wuss)
Awww bless,

hope she has recovered well hun,

I feel like that when she had her fist jabs, she cried sooo much and my heart just went :cry:
I am so dreading the next one.


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