

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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i am full of cold today could not sleep last night due to having blocked nose etc
i phoned midwife see if i could have lemsip, nope not allowed went to chemist to get something to go on pillow not allowed that all i can take is parcetamol and i dont see how that can get rid of a blocked nose and stop me from feeling ill i just feel like :wall2:

Oh hun, I am so with you, I picked up a dreadful cold last week, same thing - not allowed anything. Still can't shake it off!
you would think they could give us something oh the joys my OH not well to but he can take something to make him better so i gone in a little mood with him lol x
If you get some menthol crystals you can dissolve them in a bowl of oiling water and inhale the vapour xx I used it and it was the only thing that worked xx I also used Vicks vapo rub, GP said no probs with that at all x My mum used vapo rub during all her pregnanies as the smell eased morning sickness lol and her 5 kids are all fine xx

You can also use karvol drops for your pillow at night to help you sleep x

Hope you're feeling better soon chick xx :hug: x
I used facial sauna wirth olbas oil - worked a treat! (or a basin of boiled water and a towel over your head). Hope you feel better soon x Oh and doc said olbas oil was fine but if at all worried use Karvol for kids...
I've just come down with a cold too and was doing some research to see what I could take, so I feel your pain. Hope you feel better soon. I would love a lemsip but apparently its the decongestant in it that could cause problems.

Does anyone know if you can take cough sweets ie strepsils or something like that?
Nope, no stepsils either.I was told to have lemon and honey
A tablespoon of honey and one of lemon and boiling hot water with some ground cloves always makes my throat feel better too :) x
Was gonna reply with the boiling water/ towel thing and lemon and honey!
I looked into it a week or two ago and was devasted I couldn't take anything. At first I went to grab a packet of strepsils then just before i launched a million into my gob I thought i'd best read the pack and it said no :( Ended up looking at everything in the kitchen cupboard to see what I could take and there was nothing so felt uber sorry for myself. Still full of cold now but breathing is getting a bit easier and my nose has stopped bleeding :( xxx
I'm just sitting down with hot honey and lemon now and also on halls soothers, was told by pharmacist just paracetamol and that soothers were ok too

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